Low blow for the couple of comedians, Pio and Amedeo, who sees all the certainties collapse: is this the last season?
The couple of friends did not hide that they no longer wanted to think about a format like Emigratis, after the two-year hiatus due to a pandemic, but in the end they decided to continue entertaining the public. However, the effort is not enough.
What would Pio and Amedeo say if they met Inspector Montalbano? For now they must raise their hands and surrender because once again Luca Zingaretti, main actor in the fiction based on the stories of Andrea Camilleri, leaves no way out. Rai knows he can count on the beloved fiction at all times, despite the reruns, because when Montalbano takes the stage there is no one there and to fight two comedians beloved by young audiences there is has only one weapon that can be used. .
Again, actually, Rai was right. Pio and Amedeo with Emigratis gathered 2,163,000 spectators in front of the video, i.e. 14.7% share, recording a drop compared to the last episode of Wednesday September 28 in which they recorded, gathered 2,163,000 spectators in front of the video, i.e. 14 .7% share. Also the last time, Il Commissario Montalbano on Rai Uno won the audience competition, with a much smaller gap: 3,130,000 viewers or 18.3%. This time, however, the fiction based on the stories of Andrea Camilleri registered 3,037,000 viewers, a share of 16.8%.
All the TV audiences for the evening of Wednesday October 5
Federica Sciarelli (photo by Rai)
Another certainty of Rai, at least on Wednesday evening, is Federica Sciarelli with Who saw him? which always convinces the Italian public. Yesterday evening, October 5, it brought together 1,868,000 spectators, representing a share of 11.2% on Rai Tre. As for Rai Due, on the other hand, 909,000 spectators, or a share of 4.5%, met the opportune appointment with Delitti in Paradiso.
The other Mediaset networks, for their part, gathered 716,000 viewers with a 5% share on Rete 4 with Controcorrente – Prima Serata and 965,000 viewers with a 5% share on Italia 1 with Security.
As for the other networks, on La7 Una Giornata Particolare recorded 671,000 viewers with a share of 3.6%, on TV8 X Factor it recorded 3.6% with 623,000 viewers and on Nove La Rapina Perfetta – The Bank Job captured the attention of 282,000 spectators, equivalent to a 1.6% share.