
Pd, Letta launches the call: “United Opposition”, Conte: “It’s unthinkable”



Romano Prodi, Enrico Letta – Photo by Ansa Foto

Enrico Letta will see the new elected members of the Democratic Party-Progressive and Democratic Italy of the Chamber and the Senate.

The appointment is for Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Montecitorio, in the Berlinguer room. The first meeting will also be the time to start choosing for the election of group leaders. The focus is on two women: the only fixed point at the moment is that “there is no turning back from the need to have leaders of parliamentary groups representing women”, like Letta he himself declared this to the party leadership last Thursday.

The totonomi of Democratic Party group leaders

The eligible names are Simona Malpezzi, should Debora Serracchiani be elected vice-president at Montecitorio. There are also the names of Anna Ascani and Marianna Madia.

On the front of institutional appointments, a dialogue between the majority and the opposition will be necessary. The four vice-presidents of the House and the Senate, two of whom usually go to the opposition, are elected “in a package”. Democrats expect to have one for each branch of parliament. Then comes the election of the three quaestors, two of whom belong to the opposition: Pd, M5S and Terzo Polo.

The presidency of the Commissions: the Copasir node

The problem of committee chairs belonging to the minority must also be addressed. For the Copasir, the name of Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini is widespread.

Rai surveillance: who will win at Terzo Polo and M5S

Even at the Third Pole, the file of the group leader is not yet defined. The only certainty is that there will be single groups and there will be a president of expression Italia Viva and one of Action between the Chamber and the Senate. The name of Maria Elena Boschi is mentioned for the presidency of the Rai Supervisory Authority. However, the 5 Star Movement is also interested in the same position.

In the meantime, at the Dem, we are preparing for the opposition: “We must be ready to do what the Italians asked us to do. They gave us the mandate to be the first opposition force, an intransigent opposition, in the interest of the country, in a constructive way. It must be an opposition in the country’s parliament. In the street, when necessary, and in Parliament. We will present a parliamentary opposition agenda in the coming days”. These are the words of Enrico Letta to Che Tempo che fa on RaiTre.

Letta warns: “In the event of a crisis, we will ask for early elections”

The Democratic secretary also announced that “when there is a moment of crisis, we will call for an early election”.

Pd, the call to opposition parties: “Let’s stay united”

Letta also appeals to the other opposition forces: “I hope in an opposition that is as united as possible, that there will be no one among us if necessary. I appeal to the political forces of the opposition, we must do it as much as possible together, each with its program and its style. If we don’t do it together, they will have a big advantage and we must not give it to them”, because “such a right-wing government will be a problem for Italy”.

Conte’s categorical no to Letta: “To oppose together is unthinkable”

The response of the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte was not long in coming, giving a categorical no to Letta on the hypothesis of opposing together: “A common opposition platform with the Democratic Party is now unthinkable”.

The future of the Democratic Party: it will not change its name

Will the Democratic Party change its name? “We will also discuss that. Everyone who comes to participate in this process will be free to discuss anything. It is a real and deep process of discussion and debate. If we don’t do it now, when?

The Democratic Party will not dissolve

The dissolution of the Democratic Party is not an option, explains Letta: “If there is one thing that I exclude, it is that”. Yes to the regeneration of the party with a new leadership, but not to an end.

Romano Prodi’s idea in an interview with La Repubblica

“The Democratic Party must be changed, halved, projected. To dissolve it would be to deny my life, a kind of suicide and I still don’t have any suicidal will. But the change must be radical because relations with the country have shrunk a lot, they must be rebuilt”. To say that it is Romano Prodi, in La Repubblica. “We have to start talking to people about the things that are discussed at the table, fifteen and twenty subjects: from teenagers to drugs, to work, to health and to research. Every week twenty people, not just the Democratic Party, including experts, discuss it online with tens of thousands of citizens. On Saturday the secretary dem or whoever it is goes to a city for him and makes a summary of it. In Milan if there is a debate on finances, in Padua if it is about volunteers. Then there is a nominating convention for the leadership of the Democratic Party. Is it a utopia? Yes, but it is done if you want to redo a party. Before electing a secretary, a political line must be drawn”.

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