The correct wording on a child’s ID card is ‘parent’, not ‘father’ and ‘mother’. This was decided by the Civil Court of Rome accepting the appeal presented by two mothers, the legal and the adoptive, against a January 2019 decree by the then Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini.
The couple of mothers, reports Adnkronos, went to the municipality to ask for an identity card, but there they were told that they needed the words “father and mother or whoever replaces them”. The two mothers then turned to the ordinary court and the judge agreed with them on the name “parent”.
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The order of the Civil Court of Rome on the qualification of parent in the electronic identity card dates back to September 9, 2022 and has not been contested by the Ministry of the Interior. The decision – sources from Palazzo Chigi let us know – will be examined by the government with particular attention because it presents obvious problems of implementation. And that would put the personal identification system at risk.
Salvini: “Parent? It’s wrong”
The decision did not please the Deputy Prime Minister who drafted the decree, namely Matteo Salvini. “The use of the words father and mother (the most beautiful words in the world) on your identity card would be a violation of European and international standards according to the Civil Court of Rome. Hence the decision to replace them with the more neutral word “parent”. Are the words mom and dad illegal or discriminatory? I have no words, but really”, he commented on social networks.
Matthew Salvini. Photo Ansa/Massimo Percossi
But this is not enough because the deputy of the Brothers of Italy, Carolina Varchi, also announces a battle. “We are surprised by the decision of the Civil Court of Rome which, accepting an appeal, establishes that the neutral mention of parent must appear on the identity document of a child. Fratelli d’Italia will oppose this drift and will fight in Parliament to defend the traditional family made up of mother and father.”
Instead, gay LGBT+ party spokesman Fabrizio Marrazzo is calling for sanctions for former interior ministers Salvini and Lamorgese. According to him “the Father and Mother circular, which Salvini made in 2019, to prohibit the children of LGBT + couples from having the names of both fathers or mothers on their documents” caused “damage to minors”. For example “at school, in hospitals, at borders and in many other cases where only one parent was recognized”. This is why Marrazzo asks “that Salvini and the former minister Lamorgese, who did not want to modify this discriminatory circular, be sanctioned. We cannot play politics on people’s skin, create damage without ever having sanctions, ”he concluded.
Fabrice Marrazzo. Photo Ansa/Maurizio Brambatti