
only halloween massacre dead and injured what happened



In Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Halloween celebrations have turned tragic. At least 120 people died and 100 were injured in the crowds along the nightlife streets

In Seoul’s Itaewon district, thousands of people had gathered around the nightlife spots. A fire department spokesman, Yonhap news agency reports, said rescuers had brought 140 ambulances to the scene to assist the victims. About fifty people had a cardiac arrest. At least 81 people called the emergency number and said they were having difficulty breathing.

Photo Twitter @Emergenza24

Those affected by the disease were, as mentioned, in the Itaewon district, famous for its restaurants and nightlife. Authorities estimate that around 100,000 people were in Seoul’s nightlife district. For the first time since the start of the Covid pandemic, an event took place without the particularly strict restrictions in South Korea.

Halloween tragedy in Seoul

So after two and a half years of closures, the Halloween weekend parties were also the first real opportunity for mass gatherings and entertainment for many children. According to some local media’s re-enactment, the chaos in Seoul’s Itaewon district could have been the presence of a celebrity in a local area. The youngsters would start rushing towards him, eventually overwhelming each other.

Photo Twitter @lifegate

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has declared a state of emergency, recalls Corriere della Sera. The government has activated the procedures normally followed in the event of a disaster in Korea. At least 400 medics, according to firefighters, rushed to the scene. Photographs were posted on Twitter showing several corpses, at least 30 according to the newspaper which shared them, lying on the asphalt and covered with a blue sheet.

National Fire Agency chief Choi Cheon-sik said the death toll from the Seoul massacre could rise. Growing fears emerged that several people had been crushed to death after a large crowd began to show up in a rather narrow alley near the Hamilton Hotel, a major party spot in Seoul. A situation that would have generated a mass panic, according to the Yonhap news agency. Available footage shows dozens of people lying down, receiving help.

The president of the Republic

Head of state Yoon Suk-Yeol issued a statement asking authorities to ensure prompt treatment for those injured in the Seoul tragedy and review security at party venues. He also asked the health ministry to quickly deploy disaster relief teams and secure beds in the nearby hospital to treat the injured. Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon interrupts his trip to Europe and decides to return to the capital.

Photo Twitter @Notiziario_NC

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