
“On the price cap, possible compromise”



Roberto Cingolani – Picture by Ansa Foto

Energy crisis: today, 11 October, and tomorrow, an informal meeting of energy ministers will take place in Prague. At the center of the debate, the energy transition and the energy preparation for next winter, as well as a possible revision of the electricity market.

Energy, Cingolani: “The country is safe”

“We have secured the country, we should have a quiet winter season. The reserves are full. We are going to have price problems, but if the 20 ends well on the price cap, we will have resolved the situation”. Thus the Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani during an RCS Academy webinar on RepowerEu.

“Unfortunately, we will not take away the suffering of families and businesses. We proposed the price cap months ago. The European Commission was slow, then it accelerated. We also hope that the war will end”, he specified.

“National security depends on the Piombino regasification plant”

On the entry into operation of the Piombino regasification plant, “I have no guarantee. I hope everyone realizes that national security depends on it. If we have the regasification ship and we can’t use it, it will be suicide. There is a nimby problem and someone will have to take responsibility, I have been clear: the ship will stay there for three years, then we will move it to a non-invasive site,” Cingolani added.

Price cap: “Possible solution”

On the price cap, the Minister explained that “it will probably be a range in which the TRF can vary without having these absurd volatility peaks. I would say that we are converging towards that. The last videoconference alignments took place last Friday. This evening there will be an informal meeting of ministers from the most energy-intensive countries. I believe that we can reach a compromise solution which will help to considerably contain the costs”.

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