
“On gas, solidarity must be applied, not just affirmed”



Luca De Carlo – Picture by Ansa Foto

At the microphones of iNews24, Senator Luca De Carlo of the Brothers of Italy, on the election of Ciriani and Lollobrigida to the presidency of the groups in the Chambers.

What does the re-election of group leaders Luca Ciriani in the Senate and Francesco Lollobrigida in the Chamber represent?
“In the meantime, they represent recognition of their excellent work done in the previous legislature. Moreover, they are two absolutely authoritative and prestigious names, so it is in the logic of things that in a delicate moment like this one confides in those who have great experience”;

Tomorrow, it is the turn of the opposition for the choice of vice-presidents, quaestors and secretaries. How do you assess the ongoing controversy between the Third Pole and the Center Left?
“Honestly, these are dynamics that do not concern our political force and these are questions that must be clarified for them”;

It seems that the center-right is gradually filling the government boxes, even if the negotiations are not easy, especially between Meloni and Berlusconi. What air is blowing?
“The climate is great. Our leader leads the negotiations perfectly. We have maximum confidence in our leader, so we have to wait a few more days, after which the team will be complete. In the center-right there is absolute harmony, the leadership is recognized and can certainly bring the maximum result”;

After the formation of the government, we move on to the priorities of the Italians.
“The priority is to solve the problem of energy costs and bills. We realize in the neighborhood how many citizens are in difficulty and especially businesses”;

The European Commission’s plan provides for a dynamic and temporary gas price cap. Is this a good start to solving the emergency?
“It is the beginning of a thorough reflection which will have to lead to intervention on the biggest problem which is speculation. On this, we are particularly convinced that even the EU realizes that there can be no two-speed Europe and that sometimes solidarity must be applied and not just affirmed”;

At the national level, during the election campaign, Salvini and Meloni had different ideas on budget variance to solve expensive bills. Could it now be considered?
“The centre-right will be able to find a square as soon as the puzzle is completed. Government action will certainly begin by summarizing all the issues on the table”;

Will the team end up with a technical minister at the MEF?
“Giorgia Meloni deals directly with issues relating to government and ministers. We have the greatest confidence in the work he will do. In a few days, we will all know”;

And if he gave the opinion of a member of the party?
“There is not a single opinion in the parties, but a communion of intentions”;

So what is the indication of the holiday?
“The indication of the party was that of the last national direction: to give a mandate to our leader to lead the negotiations”.

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