
“No veto to Berlusconi, but it must also apply to him”



Andrea De Bertoldi – Picture by Ansa Foto

At the iNews24 microphones, Senator Andrea De Bertoldi, re-elected in Trentino Alto Adige for Fratelli d’Italia.

Senator, are you already in Rome too?
“We recover a minute of relaxation but I am already in Rome”;

What emotion do you feel at the idea of ​​returning to Parliament?
“I’m quite used to it. More than an emotion it is a great satisfaction because my territory reconfirmed me as its representative in the national institutions and it is a great recognition. I feel a great sense of responsibility, also because the historical moment is particularly difficult, we cannot forget it”;

What do you expect from the new legislature?
“Above all, I expect answers from the country, because governments that have not been elected by the people have not been able to give them answers for too many years. Now we have a responsibility to to have the Italian people as the only interlocutor who today needs concretization on urgent matters, such as energy, bills, work, inflation.It is a very important burden and which will be decisive for our country and for our economic system. We therefore have a lot of responsibility, but at the same time also the awareness of being able to give Italy a change of pace”;

According to Minister Cingolani, the commissioning of the Piombino regasification plant is a matter of national security. What will the Brothers of Italy want to do about this?
“Regasifiers are definitely needed. The conditions must be created so that the benefit outweighs any negative impact. In Piombino there are difficulties and the FdI will assess the pros and cons as best they can. Of course, it must be done, but we will have to determine whether to do it there or elsewhere. The situation will have to be assessed, for the moment I do not have the elements to do so”;

Minister Cingolani also said Italy is secure on gas for this winter, although the cost of bills will remain high. What other measures could the Brothers in Italy consider to solve the costly bills in addition to those already implemented by the Draghi government? For example, is there still firmness in the no to Salvini for the budget gap?
“Until we have the best of all data and information, it is difficult to be able to give precise answers. One thing is certain: we must act to calm prices and give answers to citizens and businesses. We will have to look for all the means to do this without resorting to new debts, trying first with the superprofits of the state, companies and other initiatives. In the last hypothesis, the debt will also be assessed”;

According to Carlo Calenda there are two Melons, that of struggle and that of government. Is it true?
“Every human being has multiple images in different contexts and that’s not a bad thing. There are moments of struggle and others of reflection. It’s an added value to be able to have different times within the same match. I think it’s a quality, so that of Calenda for me is not a criticism: I’m just saying that it’s an appreciation”;

Calenda also said that “today Meloni just has to put on the Draghi mask, so it’s the same”. It’s true?
“He has this one and he probably didn’t want to take it off”;

We arrive at the institutional offices. How does Ignazio La Russa, President of the Senate, consider the hypothesis?
“There is no confirmation on this. Ignazio La Russa was vice-president of the Senate in the last legislature and I appreciated his ability and his wisdom. From his friend and colleague, I hope”;

The totoministri: it seems that there will be technicians in the executive: would Fabio Panetta at the MEF be a good decision?
“Fabio Panetta is one of the most beautiful Italian heads in the world, it is obvious to say that any role assigned to him could fill it with the utmost diligence and flexibility. But it does not seem to me that he has yet given his availability”;

Are there, in your opinion, ministries that should be entrusted to technicians?
“I am not the President of the Republic and I will not be in charge of forming the government, so I speak in a completely personal capacity. I believe government should be political. Obviously, the Ministry of Economy might be more suitable for a technician, but apart from that, no one else. Government, basically, should be political”;

Another opinion on the Adolfo Urso hypothesis in Defense and Carlo Nordio in Justice.
“Adolfo Urso and I have been friends for thirty years and I appreciate his political qualities of wisdom and competence. He could make a great contribution to our country. I also know the great skills of Carlo Nordio in the profession of magistrate and I believe that it would be a prestigious name that would bring honor to the government”;

There would be a moment of heated discussion between Meloni and Berlusconi on Senator Licia Ronzulli’s floor in government. How will this end, in your opinion?
“I am not aware of any fires and flames. But if it is true that there can be no veto over people, there can be no veto even over the freedom of the president in charge of choosing the ministers whom he deems most suited to a particular function.If Meloni were appointed by the President of the Republic to form the government, the boxes should be filled in by whoever she and Mattarella deem most suitable for a particular role. no veto, but it must be valid for both sides”.

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