
news from ukraine italian dead donetsk who is



The war in Ukraine is becoming increasingly fierce as winter approaches. Exactly a week after the bombing of central kyiv, today October 17, at least 3 explosions were heard in the city around 6:45 a.m. local time. In the Donbass, a 28-year-old boy, Elia Putzolu, died fighting alongside the Russians: he is the third Italian foreign fighter to have lost his life in this war.

Russian missile attacks, CNN reports, targeted the Shevchenkivskyi district in the center of the Ukrainian capital. “A fire has broken out in a non-residential building following a drone attack. Firefighters are working. Several residential buildings have been damaged. Doctors are on site. mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, on Telegram.

Photo Twitter @My_Salute

Ukrainian Railways chief Alexander Kamyshin said explosions occurred near Kyiv’s central station and dozens of people took refuge in an underground passage in the station. The Shevchenkivskiy district, hit by suicide drones supplied to the Russians by Iran, is the same area targeted by Putin’s troops a week ago, on October 10. That day, at least 19 people were killed in the Russian attacks and more than 100 were injured.

An Iranian kamikaze drone launched by the Russians over kyiv on October 17, 2022. Photo Twitter @AFP

Ukraine, suicide drones

Andriy Yermak, chief of staff to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, confirmed that Moscow attacked kyiv with suicide drones. “The Russians think these attacks will help them, but these actions smack of desperation,” he said in a statement. “We need more air defense as soon as possible. We don’t have time to delay. We need more weapons to protect the sky and destroy the enemy.” The region of Sumy, in northeastern Ukraine, was also affected. There “after 5 o’clock this morning, the village of Romensky was attacked with missiles. Critical infrastructure was hit. There are casualties, “wrote the head of the regional military administration Dmytro Zhivytskyi on Telegram. Shelling also in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The anti-war alarm air strike across Ukraine.

Elia Putzolu, who died fighting with pro-Russians in Ukraine. Photo Facebook / www.facebook.com / elia.putzolu.9

Ukraine, an Italian boy dies

From Rome, however, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms the death of Elia Putzolu, 28, of Sardinian origin. The young man died in combat in the Donetsk region on Sunday October 16. He had joined the militias of the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republic. Putzolu had lived for a long time in Russia, near Rostov-on-Don. He was close to the Italian community of “Fort Rus”, which on social networks defines itself as a “page of information and support for the resistance of the Russian peoples”. News and documents on the war of the empire against Russia”.

Elias Putzolu is the third Italian foreign fighter killed in action since the start of the conflict. His family has been informed and requested the return of the young man’s body to Italy. The presence of a Sardinian among twenty Italians fighting in Ukraine had already been talked about at the end of March after the death of Edy Ongaro, 45, a Venetian who left in 2015. Less than a month ago , but on the opposite front. , Benjamin Giorgio Galli, 27, from the province of Varese, was killed in action in the Kharkiv region, who enlisted as a volunteer alongside the Ukrainians.

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