
Never use bleach like this – this is what happens



Cleaning the house is a factor that should not be underestimated, so you must use the right products and detergents. Unfortunately, one of the most used products in the home is also one of the most toxic, I am referring to bleach. It is true that bleach sanitizes and disinfects all surfaces in the home and also manages to remove all types of stains and whiten clothes, but it is also true that when misused (abuse) , it can pose risks to our health.

To name a few: Irritation of the eyes, mouth and skin, but also asthma and various respiratory problems. It must also be said that bleach, according to Italian law, is absolutely not considered a disinfectant, since to be defined as such it must have a registration with the Ministry of Health, which it does not has actually not. So let’s try to understand together what the real risks of using bleach are and therefore how they can be avoided by making limited and correct use of it.

Prolonged use of bleach is common for cleaning, leads to increased toxicity which over time has a heavy and negative impact on health. Being a chemical compound, scientifically known as sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI), it contains chlorine gas dissolved in sodium hydroxide, therefore bleach can release dangerous gases into the air , especially if it is also mistakenly mixed with other chemicals. The risks are greater if these harmful gases are inhaled by the little ones.

To be precise, excessive use, according to recent international studies, would increase tonsillitis, bronchitis, ear infections and pneumonia. In addition, bleach is very corrosive, so it is important to handle it only with gloves so that it does not come into direct contact with the skin. Never mix bleach with other disinfectant chemicals, especially hydrochloric acid, with which it generates chlorine gas which, if inhaled, is highly toxic.

Bleach should not even be mixed with vinegar because a corrosive acid is derived from it, which could seriously irritate the mucous membranes as well as the skin, the eyes and even the lungs. Bleaching with denatured alcohol produces chloroform and hydrochloric acid, both of which are very harmful to humans. But do not believe that bleach can be used on all surfaces, on some of them it is counterproductive. If used, for example, on taps, it tends to rust, if not rinsed well and abundantly.

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