
‘Never drink this water,’ this is what happens: the shocking revelation



Water is a fundamental element for the health and well-being of our body. It is important to drink the right amount every day, but choosing the one that best suits each of us. In fact, not all of them are the same, but they differ in different factors, for example in the type and quantity of elements present, which generate different effects. Water has the ability to regulate digestion, body temperature level and proper lubrication of the skin, lungs and eye tissues and it does not stop there as it also allows nutrients and hormones to reach the cells, which are also largely made up of water. .

Finally, it eliminates all waste through urine. Our body needs about 2 liters of water a day (advice recommended by all doctors), this is the average quantity, which is not fixed but variable depending on the type of physical activity practiced or depending the type of environment where most of the day is spent, for example those who work in particularly hot and dry environments, which favor the evaporation of water through the skin, must necessarily take more fluids to stay hydrated.

There are 4 different types of bottled mineral water commonly found on the market, which differ according to the fixed residue, i.e. the amount of mineral salts dissolved in a liter of water. Water considered lighter has a fixed residue not exceeding 50 mg/liter, low mineralization, also called weakly mineralized, has a fixed residue that can reach a maximum value of 500 mg/liter and the values ​​of medium minerality vary between 500 and 1,500 mg/litre.

Finally, the water, particularly rich in salts, has a fixed residue greater than 1,500 mg/litre and therefore it is recommended to take it under medical supervision as it may have therapeutic characteristics. Precisely for this reason it is usually purchased in pharmacies or spas, but it can also be found in some specific supermarkets. Mineral waters can also be classified by the prevalence of one of the mineral salts, compared to the others.

For example, bicarbonates are great for those who suffer from diseases related to kidney stones. Sulfates are mildly laxative and are therefore recommended for people with digestive insufficiency. Chlorines are considered as purgatives and have a rebalancing action on the intestine. Calcium is the type of water most used during special situations such as growth, pregnancy or menopause, and especially in the elderly, since it greatly contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis and hypertension.

The article “Never drink this water”, here’s what happens: the shocking revelation comes from TuttoAbruzzo.it.

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