The ambitious adaptation of ‘Sweet Tooth’, a Netflix series based on the eponymous DC comic book, debuts June 4 on the streaming platform and is already capturing international critics.
At Rotten Tomatoes, production started with no less than 100% approval, scoring a massive 9.05 / 10 based on 11 reviews to date.
Check out the main comments:
“’Sweet Tooth’ is utter fun, vibrant with love, hope, beauty – and sweet treats.” – The Playlist.
“The series is a success, an adaptation that borders on perfection” – But why Tho? The Geek community.
“A dark and spooky story tied to incredibly beautiful visual forays, delivering messages of hope for humanity” – Mama’s Geeky.
“‘Sweet Tooth’ brings the usual pessimism of the post-apocalyptic genre to life” – We Have a Hulk.
“The series is a children’s fable that is also suitable for adults” – Empire Magazine.
For those who don’t know him, the plot takes place in a world inhabited by hybrids of humans and animals, and revolves around Gus, a hybrid between man and deer, who leaves his home and finds a world devastated by a cataclysmic event. He joins a gang of hybrids and humans in search of answers to the event and ends up uncovering a huge plot that forces him to question his own existence.
Enjoy watching:
The cast includes Neil Sandilands, Christian Convery, Nonso Anozie, Aliza Vellani, Adeel Akhtar and Will Forte. James Brolin joins as the production’s narrator.
Recalling that Robert Downey Jr. is overseeing the project.
The pilot episode is written and directed by Jim Mickle (“Stake Land – Violent Nightfall”).
Make sure you watch: