The thriller mini-series “Breathe!” (Keep Breathing), starring Melissa Barrera (“Scream”), premiered on Netflix and is doing the rounds.
All six episodes are available now on the streaming service and only received a 38% approval rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, but audiences are really enjoying it.
On social media, followers raved about the show… but didn’t understand the ending.
Check out the reactions:
REVIEW: Breathe!
With few mistakes and plenty of hits, talented actors and exuberant cinematography, the new #Netflix drama miniseries is a good choice for anyone who wants to marathon something fast.
— Seriador Surtado (@SeriadorSurtado) July 30, 2022
I’m obsessed with the series breathe on netflix, because
— Anoca (@luizanski) July 30, 2022
Enjoy watching:
Anyone else think the lead actress of the Netflix series “Breathe” is the face of @Anitta? Able to be her and I don’t even know 😶
— Luiz Gadelha (@Luiz_Gadelha) July 30, 2022
wow i watched a really good miniseries on netflix now “breathe” the name you’re ost welcome
— lulu (@Iuizarodrigues) July 29, 2022
I finished watching the miniseries (breathe!) that Netflix released and I’m still trying to figure out the ending 🤨🤔 Father, am I really stupid?
— dangerous poo (@carolzinhadomal) July 29, 2022
When I’m a fan of an actor, I watch his best work from the worst. And I’m already addicted to Netflix’s “Breathe,” I’ve loved Melissa Barrera so much since she did La Mujer de Judas, and when she did Scream 5, it proved how good she plays.
— Samuel (@samucsrodrigues) July 29, 2022
Watch “Breathe” on Netflix, it’s very good and it bothers me a lot!
— Myrèle | ILGAZ IS NOT DEAD (@myreleoumyrela) July 29, 2022
What a finale #Breathe #Netflix
— Myrèle | ILGAZ IS NOT DEAD (@myreleoumyrela) July 29, 2022
In the plot, a young woman survives a plane crash in the middle of the Canadian jungle. To stay alive, she must learn to deal with nature and her own demons.
Review | Breathe! : Melissa Barrera fights for her survival in the great Netflix original miniseries
After her private plane crashes on a remote Canadian border, sole survivor Liv (Barrera) must brave nature’s unforgivable weather and personal trauma to stay alive.
The cast will also include Jeff Wilbusch, Austin Stowell, Juan Pablo Espinosa and Florencia Lozano.
Maggie Kiley and Rebecca Rodriguez directed the episodes.