
Mourning on Italian television: a true icon has died



A serious mourning has hit Italian television in recent hours. In fact, a true icon of journalism has gone missing: who it is.

New tragic disappearance in the world of Italian television. In these hours, an icon of Italian journalism has left us, who unfortunately died at the age of 95: the announcement of TG 1.

The terrible mourning that hit Italian television (Via Pixabay)

A grave mourning strikes the world of Italian journalism. In fact, during those hours, Gianni Bisiach, one of the most popular faces on state television in decades past, passed away. It was the journalist Giorgia Cardinaletti who gave the news during the evening edition of TG1. On the Ansa website, we learn that the historic pen went out in the early hours of dawn yesterday. For the moment we do not even know if the journalist suffered from any pathology, what is certain is that he had been hospitalized in an RSA for some time.

In his long career as a journalist and writer, he was the author of several very important investigative reports and various story specials for Rai, notably for Tv7 but also for TG1. Just within the network’s flagship news, Bisiach hosted a column called “A Minute of History” for years, which was very successful. After Ansa launched the JT, lawyer Giorgio Assumma, his lifelong friend, confirmed the journalist’s death. In addition Bisiach will be buried in Gorizia, his hometown where he was born on May 7, 1927.

In mourning Italian TV, Gianni Bisiach died: he was 95 years old

Serious mourning in the world of Italian television (via Facebook)

As we had expected, Giorgia Cardinaletti was responsible for announcing the death. During the last edition of TG1, the journalist declared: “A life for journalism, her face was among the most popular on Rai”. While Caterina Proietti was thinking of capturing the free service, who revealed inside: “She said that journalistic investigations are done by traveling around the world”. During the service, viewers were able to see historical footage of Gianni Bisiach.

The journalist has always said during TG1: “She has seen the world change in almost a century of history”. Moreover, the journalist had two medical degrees, but his passion for journalism soon became stronger than anything else. “The first investigation into the Mafia in Sicily was his, in 1962,” continued Caterina Proietti later. Many will also remember the journalist for his style during investigations, keen to speak with the protagonists rather than with historians and colleagues.

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