
Ministry alert, be careful: do not eat this type of sandwich



Ministry alert, beware: do not eat this type of sandwich. The note was shared on the official website of the government agency

For anyone who bought it, the advice is to bring it back to the point of sale and get the cost reimbursed. A high microbiological risk has been indicated for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.

Sandwich removed from the market (Facebook)

As happens almost daily, the Ministry of Health has posted the note on its official website indicating the products withdrawn from the market due to certain risks for consumers. After what happened with the sausages, now the sandwiches end up under the magnifying glass for cases of listeriosis. The food alert relates specifically to those with salmon and mayonnaise, marketed by Penny supermarkets under the Allegri Sapori brand.

Specifically, the batches of products withdrawn from supermarket shelves are n. 22952 1 and n. 22952 2. The reason for this report, as read on the official notice of the site, is the presence of “Listeria monocytogenes”. Immediate recommendation from the government body to all consumers, to avoid consumption and instead return it as soon as possible. Replacement or refund can be made before 10/10/2022 (following Monday).

Ministry alert, beware: do not eat Allegri Sapori’s salmon and mayonnaise sandwiches

Sandwiches pulled from market due to Listeria alarm (Facebook)

The Listeria alert was already triggered a few days ago for chicken frankfurters, withdrawn from the shelves of the same Venetian company, the agricultural cooperative Tre Valli. It is emphasized that this is a decision taken “exclusively as a precaution”.

Listeria monocytogenes, responsible for listeriosis, for the uninitiated is a well-known ubiquitous bacterium, which can be present in soil, water and vegetation and can contaminate various foods. It is mainly found in milk, vegetables, soft cheeses, different types of meats and sausages. The main route of transmission to humans is obviously through food. Healthy people can be infected but have few or no serious symptoms. Different speech for pregnant women or immunocompromised and weakened subjects. To learn more about the subject, read the official note published on the reference site.


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