The new family comedy series with Jamie Foxx, titled “ My Father and Another Shame ” (“ Daddy Stop Embarrassing Me ”), is now available on Netflix.
The series is based on Foxx’s relationship with his daughter, Corinne, who produces the series alongside Alex Avant.
However, expert reviews blew up production, which garnered a meager 18% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Among the main comments, reporters said the jokes are dated and boring, the cast fail to captivate audiences, and even Foxx cannot save the script fiasco.
Check out the reviews:
“If Jamie Foxx is a funny guy, you can’t tell that in ‘My Dad and Other Shame’.” – Republic of Arizona.
“Brian and Sasha take turns talking to the camera, sharing their views with the audience, but Foxx sucks all the energy out of the room with his exhibitionist performance.” – The Hollywood Reporter.
Enjoy watching:
“Bad impressions and bad jokes get in the way of building the father-daughter relationship …” – Chicago Sun-Times.
“With Jamie Foxx highlighting more than one character, it looks like a fun project for him, but not for the audience.” – Ready Steady Cut.
“When it comes to sitcoms, ‘Meu Pai e Outros Vexames’ constructs stereotypes, cartoon characters and family representations in an attempt to make audiences laugh. Unfortunately, the results are not proven. –
“Playing the father on this new Netflix sitcom is the only thing Jamie Foxx is screwed in.” – The Guardian.
A single dad who owns a cosmetics business needs to learn hard to deal with his teenage daughter, who has gone to live with him.