
melons incoming bills measures what they are



The Meloni government meets on Monday, October 31. During her first Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister will have to face immediate interventions to deal with the costly bills. There is talk of a “treasure” bequeathed by the Draghi government which would amount to 20 billion euros.

One thing is certain: “The costs of the invoices have become unsustainable”, underlines the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni. “There is no more time to lose”. And looking at Istat, which will put GDP data for the third quarter on paper on Monday, the government is considering the spaces for intervention on the deficit, which could be set for 2023 at 4.5% of gross domestic product. A hypothesis envisaged by the new Minister of the Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti and which will have to find a place in the integration of Nadef (the note in the Economy and Finance Document) which will have to update the programmatic framework bequeathed by Mario Draghi. It is not an easy task because the resumption of the deficit always remains in the attention of Brussels which, in a little more than a year, is preparing to modify and “replant” the stakes of the budgetary rules interrupted by the pandemic.

Giorgia Meloni Photo Ansa / Chigi

Meloni and the Strait Bridge

In the meantime, the Minister of Infrastructure in the Meloni government, Matteo Salvini, is trying to speed up the works, starting with the most discussed in recent years: the bridge over the Strait of Messina. He will talk about it on Tuesday November 8 with the governors of Calabria and Sicily, Roberto Occhiuto and Renato Schifani. But the meeting will also serve to take stock of the “100 public works ordered throughout Italy” to “accelerate” and start again with “new projects”. In the background, as recalled by the association of magistrates of the Court of Auditors, there remains the “fear of signing contracts” which is “unfounded” but to be overcome it requires “urgently” a “simplification of procedures”. As in any maneuver, many hypotheses circulate, some of a political nature, others already visited by the executive.

Fornero Law

The Fornero Law chapter is still open. Among the hypotheses, there is also that of a bonus for staying at work over the age of 63. The first CDM of the Meloni government could at least mention the different types of bonuses. And the flat tax, as well as the green incentives. On the ground the idea of ​​a super-deduction for companies that hire: up to 150% in the case of fragile people or people who deserve protection. Luca Ciriani, Minister for Relations with Parliament, ensures the timing and presence in the budget of the so-called “fiscal peace”. It will not be “an amnesty”, he assures.

Matteo Salvini. Photo Ansa / Massimo Percossi

New cash limit

And the cash limit? It could be, according to Meloni’s mediation, 5,000 euros instead of 10,000. In addition to the revision of the Citizenship Income, another battle horse of the Five Stars is in the crosshairs: the 110% bonus on building. For the undersecretary for the presidency, Alfredo Mantovano, “this deserves a general reconsideration”. Especially because it would have had negative effects “by diverting part of entrepreneurship from the attraction for this type of work”.

Alfredo Mantovano, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister. Photo Ansa / Massimo Percossi

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