
Melons at the Bell Ceremony



Mario Draghi, Giorgia Meloni – Photo by Ansa Foto

“Can you hear it? How much do I have to play?” asked Giorgia Meloni smiling, receiving the bell from outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi. And ringing the bell, the two took a picture together.

Energy, war in Ukraine and PNRR. These are the questions that the now former Prime Minister and the leader of the Brothers of Italy addressed during a long interview at Palazzo Chigi. It was not a transfer of power, but a confrontation on the main issues.

In the same way, Alfredo Mantovano, the new under-secretary to the presidency of the Council, and Roberto Garofoli, outgoing under-secretary, clashed. Together then, they joined the meeting between Meloni and Draghi, in the presence of the secretary general of the Prime Minister Roberto Chieppa.

The atmosphere was warm at the Palazzo Chigi, before Mario Draghi’s last farewell. “Hi Mario,” Meloni said. Once the bell had passed, the outgoing president left the Palazzo Chigi to the applause and salute of the military band.

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