
Meloni government, confidence in the hemicycle: “I will do what I have to”



Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni, Antonio Tajani – Photo by Ansa Foto

“The day our government took the oath in the hands of the Head of State, there was the liturgical memorial of John Paul II. A Pontiff, a statesman, a saint, whom I had the privilege of knowing personally. It taught me something fundamental, which I treasured. “Freedom”, he said, “is not about doing what you want, but about having the right to do what you must”. I have always been a free person, that’s why I intend to do what I have to”. Giorgia Meloni’s speech in the hemicycle ended with this quote, on the occasion of the day of confidence in his government.

Meloni, I “underdog”, will reverse the predictions

The political prejudice against its executive, adds Meloni, “I believe it is even partly justified. Certainly for the part that concerns me. I am the first woman appointed President of the Council of Ministers in the history of Italy, I come from a cultural area that has often been confined to the margins of the Republic, and I certainly did not arrive here in the arms of a family and friendships. I represent what the British would call the outsider. The outsider, to simplify, who must reverse all predictions to win. I intend to do it again, to reverse the predictions, with the help of a valid team of ministers and under-secretaries, with the confidence and the work of parliamentarians who will vote for and with the ideas that will come from criticism of those who vote against”.


“We will spend the 68.9 billion non-repayable and the 122.6 billion loaned to Italy by the Next Generation Ee as best we can. Without delays and without waste, and by agreeing with the European Commission on the necessary adjustments to optimize expenditure, particularly in the face of rising raw material prices and the energy crisis. Because these topics are approached with a pragmatic and non-ideological approach”

The fight against the mafia

“Legality will be the guiding star of government action. I started politics at 15, the day after the Via D’Amelio massacre, in which the mafia killed Paolo Borsellino, driven by the idea that we could not sit idly by, that anger and indignation translated into civic engagement. The path that led me to be Prime Minister today stems from the example of this hero. We will face mafia cancer with our heads held high, on the front line, as we have learned from the many heroes who have led by example through their courage. Criminals will have contempt and inflexibility”.

citizenship income

“The way it was designed and implemented, the citizenship income was a defeat for those who were able to do their part for Italy, as well as for themselves and their families. For those who are able to work, the solution cannot be citizenship income, but work, training and work support, also making full use of the resources and possibilities made available by the European Social Fund” .


“We need to fill the big gap between the training and skills required by the labor market, with specific training of course, but even earlier thanks to school and university training that is more attentive to the dynamics of the labor market. Education is the most formidable tool to increase the wealth of a nation, in every way. Material capital is nothing without human capital. For this reason, schools and universities will become at the center of government action, since they represent a fundamental strategic resource for Italy, for its future and its young people”.

Relations with Europe

“Curiosity and interest in the position that the government will take vis-à-vis the European institutions do not escape me. Or better, I would like to say within the European institutions. Because it is here that Italy will make its voice heard, as befits a great founding nation. Not to slow down or sabotage European construction, as I have heard in recent weeks, but to help steer it towards greater efficiency in responding to crises and external threats and towards an approach closer to citizens and companies “.

Differentiated autonomy

“In parallel with the presidential reform, we intend to continue the virtuous process of differentiated autonomy already begun by various Italian regions according to constitutional precepts and in application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, within a framework of national cohesion. For the province of Bolzano, we will discuss the restoration of autonomy standards which, in 1992, led to the issuance of the UN receipt”.

Italy’s first female Prime Minister

“Among the many burdens on my shoulders today, there can be none other than being the first woman to lead the government of this country. When I dwell on the magnitude of this fact , I inevitably find myself thinking about the responsibility I have towards all those women who are currently having difficulty asserting their talent or, more simply, the right to see their daily sacrifices appreciated. But I also think with reverence of those who built with the planks of their example the ladder which allows me today to climb and break the heavy canopy which is above our heads”.

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