
Mammals: everything you need to know about the mini-series with James Corden



In 2022, Prime Video released a new series, Mammals, with comedic and dark tones. But what is it? And why is it worth the detour?

Amazon Prime recently released Mammals, a new dark comedy written by Jez Butterworth and directed by Stephanie Laig. The series tells the story of two couples: the protagonist is Jamie (James Corden), a multi-starred chef who discovers absurd and shocking secrets about his pregnant wife Amandine (Melia Kreiling). At this point, Jamie asks his brother-in-law Jeff (Colin Morgan, who rose to fame for his role as Merlin in Merlin between 2008 and 2012) for help. Added to the group is Luc (Sally Hawkins), sister of Jamie and wife of Jeff, whose marriage is in crisis.

James Corden in a scene from Mammals – Solocine.it

The series is already enjoying good success and there are already those talking about a possible second season, which has not yet been confirmed. Fans liked this contamination of genres between comedy and noir: difficult themes such as mourning, sadness, betrayal, but also love and friendship are treated. It is, in every way, an existentialist comedy, with a similar cut to After Life.

The series is divided into six episodes of about thirty minutes each. If a new season comes out, it’s possible it will follow the same pattern.

Mammals, why watch it

Mammals was only released on November 11, 2022, but it’s already a good hit and fans are talking about it with great enthusiasm. James Corden fell into the role perfectly and manages to entertain the audience with skill, making them sympathize with him. The idea of ​​black comedy was also well developed. After a romantic incipit in Cornwall, the audience is immediately catapulted into the most absolute drama. From there, the husband begins to uncover never-suspected secrets about the woman of his life and begins an absurd search for the truth.

James Corden and Colin Morgan in a scene from the series – Solocine.it

What distinguishes Mammals from other series is precisely its surreal tone: it deals with painful themes, but always in a comic and sarcastic tone. The comedy therefore oscillates between funny moments and very serious and tragic moments: all, however, without ever being forced or out of place.

The jokes are brilliant, as are the dialogues, alternated by moments of silence, as if the characters themselves were unable to speak in the face of the situation that struck them. In addition, the choice of the cast, absolutely sharp, should not be underestimated.

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