Pay attention to your bank account because in these hours a message is circulating that could put it in serious danger: the details.
Your bank account could be seriously threatened. In fact, during these hours, a message continues to circulate that puts him in serious danger. All the details on the scam that affects millions of Italians.
For several days, everyone who has opened a bank account has been talking about the new scam that is hitting them. Unfortunately, this is again a phishing attempt that aims to trick users into extorting their login credentials. It is precisely for this reason that it is necessary not to spread this type of message.
In fact, it is often the customer who falls into the trap, mistaking it for banking communications. In fact, banks don’t know any of this, so avoid spreading such messages. To date, there are no problems or complications that could block your card. So let’s discover the body of the message that deceives millions of Italians in these hours.
Bank account scam, new phishing attempt: the message
In these hours, therefore, a new message is circulating which deceives millions of Italians. Inside it reads: “Dear customer, This email informs you that your account and the functions of your Intesa card have been temporarily limited.
This restrictive measure has been applied to your account because you have reached an activity threshold which requires the mandatory verification of certain information. But the scam doesn’t stop there.
In fact, the criminals continue: “If you still want to transact with your Intesa account and card, please visit our website and complete the data verification form. Access the reserved area “. Finally, according to this alleged communication from the moment of receipt of the message, it will no longer be possible to withdraw, recharge, send and receive money without precisely the verification carried out after reading the message. So, if you have received this message, we encourage everyone to ignore it, otherwise your sensitive data could be at serious risk.