
Jovanotti and the excruciating evil entered the house: 6 rounds of chemo



The pain in Jovanotti’s words squeezes the heart. The singer spoke of this evil which changed his life forever, of these 6 cycles of chemo which destroyed him physically and psychologically.

Jovanotti, the lucky winner of one of his first songs, had a truly shocking time. No one expected such news, especially for such a beloved character. The terrible evil that entered his house destroyed him and his family.

Jovanotti Solocine.it

It’s really true that you don’t know you’re rich until the wealth is taken from us. And this state of life is not given by money, but by health. Without it, nothing can be done and Jovanotti knows those 6 rounds of chemo are remembered very well.

From Lorenzo Cherubini to Jovanotti

Lorenzo Cherubini aka Jovanotti is a 56-year-old well-known Italian singer, rapper and disc jockey. Jovanotti’s style has changed a lot since the beginning, going from lighter songs like Lucky boy, I think positively and My bike, to real slogans with a deeper message like Per Te, dedicated to his daughter Teresa Lucia, Il bigger show after the Big Bang. I trust you, Balla per me in duet with Tiziano Ferro and others. Married to Francesca Valiani since 2008, he had a brief flirtation with Valeria Marini and Rosita Celentano in the past.

A fighter lives in his house

Lorenzo Cherubini is a very present father and very attached to his daughter Teresa Lucia. The light of this girl is very strong, a joie de vivre that she also represents in her comics as a designer by profession. Thanks to the support of her parents, the young Cherubini junior never gave up, even when she was diagnosed with Hodgink’s lymphoma.

Jovanotti and his daughter Solocine.it

For Jovanotti it was a shock, the evil entered his house and after 6 cycles of chemo he did not know if his beloved daughter would be able to defeat it. Despite this pain, Lorenzo and his family have never divulged anything to the outside world as they are very jealous of their privacy. Then finally one day, Jova, posted a sentence that made him find the joy of living:

“Today is a beautiful day for us, the disease is gone, she was crazy”. With these words, the ordeal for Jovanotti, his wife and daughter is finally over.

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