
Jennifer Lopez, Tobey Maguire and 7 other celebrities with bad reputations



There are a lot of pretty faces seen on the small screen, but behind the lens they turn into real ungrateful little monsters that only give fans and colleagues a headache. And since the Internet misses nothing, here is a poisonous list of 8 celebrities with bad reputations.

8-Jennifer Lopez

Talented, millionaire and with a big body – and yet, JLo is an insufferable person (at least that’s what those who worked with her say). She is said to only talk to ‘regular’ people through her agent and even made a crew member cry during filming, when the singer clearly didn’t appreciate the way whose work was done and had a word with. the employee. Not to mention that her diva attacks even caused the dismissal of a maid who, during a tour, after completely cleaning the artist’s room, dared to ask the idol for an autograph. JLo not only allegedly refused to give it to her, but the next day she allegedly had the employee fired.

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7 – Jonas Hill

They say an Oscar boosts people’s egos, and after being nominated for his role in ‘The Man Who Changed the Game’, Jonah Hill would have turned into a complete asshole. All because thanks to this nomination, he would now assume himself as a “serious actor”, refusing to answer meaningless questions in interviews and to call any other comedian actor a friend. He is said to lash out at the paparazzi and not only refuse to sign autographs and take pictures with fans, but he also hands out cards to fans who say “I just met Jonah Hill” – all for do not sign autographs. me eh.

6 – Justin Bieber

Alright, nothing new here, but do you know the reasons? After earning a lot of money and very quickly, the soft-spoken young boy’s career has oscillated between highs and lows (more lows than highs), including arrests, car accidents, throwing eggs on the neighbor’s house, spitting on fans, refusing to play certain shows, etc. . Considering that most of your fanbase is made up of teenage girls, that kind of attitude is unacceptable, right? He even allegedly called a fan, who approached him in a bikini, a “beach whale” and offered to take part in one of these slimming realities. What an idiot!

5 – Ariana Grande

As we saw in the previous example, a lot of money in the hands of very young people turns out to be a fatal combination. It is said that after smiling during a meet and greet session with fans, Ariana told everyone who had paid to see her to “die, p%$¨&@”! And there’s more ! At another point, two fans reportedly approached her and managed to snap a photo with the diva, to which Ariana allegedly ordered her security to get the girls to delete the photo. She’s been called disrespectful backstage, and on one recording you can hear her say she “hates Americans.” Hates America” — and yes, that recording is the same one where she appears licking donuts.

4 – Carrie Underwood

After trying to become America’s sweetheart (with cowboy boots and all), the singer was seen by fans and co-workers as aloof, rude, and arrogant. Apparently, at the 2010 Country Music Awards, Carrie encouraged the singer and ‘Gossip Girl’ co-star – actress Leighton Meester – to take to the stage with the friendly words “go see if you don’t f%# & with all “. After the episode, she reportedly dismissed the criticism and said Leighton Meester would “get over the episode”. As early as 2013, after criticizing her performance of “Sound of Music” on the internet, she tweeted that “the bad guys need Jesus.” Maybe she should take her own advice.

3 – Tobey Maguire

According to an agent, the former Spider-Man is “the worst little monster you will ever meet”. Well, apparently there’s a reason for that, after all he was over 10 years away from Hollywood. It seems that Tobey Maguire demands that people don’t look him in the eye on film sets. During negotiations for ‘Spider-Man 2’, the actor fought with Sony to demand a higher fee and even took a ‘fake’ certificate claiming he had back problems from a scene of the movie. Tobey was also seen enraged on several occasions, even going so far as to throw a fan’s cellphone to the ground.

2 – Ellen Degeneres

That might be a little underwhelming, but it turns out America’s most charismatic TV presenter is no slouch. According to reports from people working on the show, Ellen insists that drinks should always be at a certain temperature and that the air conditioning should not be too hot or too cold. She is also said to be very controlling over the career of his wife, Portia De Rossi, forcing her to play housewife roles just so she can be the head of the family herself. And it’s not just the stories of strangers who think Ellen Degeneres is stunning, no! According to comedian and presenter Kathy Griffin, she has been banned from appearing on her co-worker’s show since 2006, and she believes the reason is competition attributed to their careers. Kathy laments, saying “male comedians stick together, and it’s a shame that women don’t support each other like men do”.

1- Christian Bale

Who can forget the humiliation he inflicted on a light assistant on the set of “Terminator: Salvation”? Seriously, the actor called the assistant incompetent, wondered if the guy was professional or not, told him to shut up and so on. Yes, there is audio on the Internet. And given his Oscar and Golden Globe speeches, it seems like Christian Bale really deserves the top spot on this list.

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