
“It’s stupid that Italy points to nuclear and Germany to solar”



Nuclear power plant (generic) – Photo by Ansa Foto

As soon as the new government took office, the Minister for the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said he was in favor of nuclear power for the new generation.

“We are in favor of experimenting with next-generation nuclear power to deal with the energy crisis,” he said. “It is in everyone’s interest to get rid of energy dependence.”

Before nuclear, however, we must focus on gas and European measures to solve the energy emergency, as well as those of Italy against expensive bills.

Parisi: “Each country must follow its own vocation”

On the production of energy “each country should follow its own vocation even if it seems to me insane that Germany concentrates on solar energy and that Italy which has the sun turns to nuclear energy”. To support her, the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics Giorgio Parisi.

“Generation IV nuclear will take time”

“Generation IV nuclear” could solve the problem of nuclear waste “but there is only one prototype in the world” of a state-of-the-art nuclear power plant “and therefore, before understanding if it will be reliable, it will take a long time”.

“In Italy, it is a pity to neglect geothermal energy”

“It’s a shame to neglect geothermal energy in Italy, we have a lot of it, unlike other countries which have few volcanoes and few volcanoes”. Parisi urged to “also focus on energy savings, for example by insulating the windows of buildings as well as possible, avoiding energy waste”.

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