
Irene Pivetti, the terrible story leaves everyone speechless: “They shredded it”



A terrible story by Irene Pivetti left everyone speechless. In fact, the presenter and journalist said: “Torn to pieces”.

Irene Pivetti spoke again and did so in an interview with the weekly Chi. Inside, the Italian MP, host and journalist recounted the many changes that have taken place over the years: her words.

The incredible statements of the Italian journalist (Via Ansa Foto)

In a short time, you can go from being one of the most recognized women in politics to being overshadowed. This is precisely what happened to Irene Pivetti, who is nevertheless always motivated and tries to make herself useful to the cause. Indeed, the former Speaker of the Chamber has seen his life change profoundly in recent years. He therefore wanted to tell his experience in this world during an interview with Chi Magazine.

Indeed, in the weekly, the former politician recounted the many changes that have taken place over the years. Today, Pivetti works as a saleswoman in a social center. Head held high, despite the many obstacles encountered, the journalist then declared: “At 58, they destroyed my life, but fortunately this new job makes me calm and serene, it makes me feel useful” – a-t – she continued – “I work from morning to night and I live in a dormitory, they have deprived me of all my property and my rights”.

Irene Pivetti talks about her drama: “I no longer have a bank account”

The former MP talks about herself (Photo: Facebook)

The life of the former deputy is totally different from that of the past. Indeed today she can no longer take advantage of the advantages of the past and lives in a rather precarious economic situation which does not allow her to have a bank account but to live, as they say, from day to day. To the weekly Chi, Irene Pivetti said then: “We no longer wanted to connect the light. No work. No bank account. Nothing: only the friends of the Monza cooperative accepted me with enthusiasm. I paid the taxes and I didn’t do anything illegal.”

In recent months, the Guardia di Finanza has indeed confirmed the seizure of 3.5 million euros from the former president of the Chamber, accused of money laundering. Now Irene has revealed that she can no longer afford a car and getting around by public transport will be complicated, which is why she lives in a social centre. Despite the obstacles, Irène nevertheless accepted this new living condition, especially thanks to her two children, aged 22 and 24, who never abandoned her.

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