
Instagram for Business: 5 tips and tricks



A survey carried out by Nuvem Shop at the end of 2018 pointed out that Instagram already accounts for almost 70% of sales via social networks, surpassing even Facebook.

More than a trend, Instagram for business has solidified in Brazil. We are the second country in the world in users on the platform and the trend is for these numbers to grow. Therefore, there is nothing better than discovering how your company can benefit from this tool.

If you intend to use your profile for business, here are five tips and tricks to increase your reach and visibility. This will convert views into more sales.

1. Bet on quality photos and videos

Let’s face it: no one likes photos that are out of focus, poorly lit or poorly composed. Therefore, betting on professional-looking photos is the most efficient way to delight your visitors and make them feel interested in what you post. When you take your photos, follow these four tips:

Use the rule of thirds: divide the image space into nine equal parts. The most significant elements of the photo should be positioned at the intersection of this division. With this, the main part of a photo comes into focus.

Highlight objects with spaces : you don’t need to close up your product to show it well. On the contrary, use spaces on the sides for a more harmonic and pleasant composition.

Use the guidelines to your advantage to gain free instagram followers: remember the lines we mentioned in the first item? Our eyes follow them, horizontally or vertically, even if they are invisible. Take advantage of this trick and explore framing possibilities.

The lighting changes everything: the light in the morning makes you feel one thing, the light in the afternoon makes you feel another. Explore the multiple possibilities and test compositions at different times of the day. Filters can also create striking contrasts.

2. Explore hashtags

Just as keywords are imperative in blog texts for your content to be found in searches, the same holds true for hashtags on Instagram. They allow your posts to be seen by more people than your followers.

The suggestion is to use between 5 and 10 hashtags per post. While Instagram allows up to 30, more than that can make you look spammy. Search to find hashtags with an excellent popularity index within your proposal and that can reach your business’s target audience. For example Instagram likes canada, if you are going to share with canadian audience.

3. Always include a CTA (call-to-action).

A user sees your image and likes it. However, if he doesn’t interact with her, the Instagram algorithm won’t know whether or not he appreciated what he saw. And more: the social network system favors the profiles most liked by a user when showing news in the feed. So if they don’t engage with you, your effort hasn’t done much to help.

The solution to this is to remind them that they can interact: it is called CTA, which stands for “call-to-action”. Examples of CTAs on Instagram are phrases such as “double tap on the photo”, “tag two friends” or “comment on what you think”. They all encourage interaction that broadens your reach.

4. Find out about the busiest times

The goal of the day cannot be met by just posting for posting. You need to know the times with the highest audience and engagement for your profile. There is no rule, as results vary between users – and your stats show all this data.

As a general rule, Mondays and Thursdays get the most viewership. The periods between 8 am and 9 am and at 5 pm also bring more results than other times of the day. However, these considerations are general. Do your own tests and find out which times work best for you.

5. Interact with your followers

In addition to using more relaxed language relevant to the environment and the target audience, do not expect that their interaction alone will attract new followers or convert your posts to view instagram stories for the  business. Interact with them, even if the comments seem negative.

Consumers feel significant and respected when a simple comment like “how cool?” or “how much does it cost?” is read and responded to. Talk simply and objectively and clarify doubts. Offer other communication channels, such as chat or telephone service.

These and other possibilities can turn your simple Instagram posts into valuable decoys to attract new customers and increase sales. Get in touch with Nerdweb’s team of digital marketing specialists to learn about all the possibilities for exploring this platform.

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