The critically acclaimed biographical drama “Infiltrator Na Klan,” directed and co-written by Spike Lee, will be deleted from Netflix. The Oscar-winning production leaves the streaming program on December 3.
The plot is set in 1978 and follows Ron Stallworth, a black police officer from Colorado who successfully infiltrated the local Ku Klux Klan. He communicated with the other members of the group through phone calls and letters, when he needed to be physically present he sent another white policeman in his place. After months of investigation, Ron became the cult leader, being responsible for sabotaging a series of lynchings and other hate crimes orchestrated by racists.
John David Washington, Adam Driver, Topher Grace, Laura Harrier, Alec Baldwin, Corey Hawkins and Paul Walter Hauser star in the production.
Kevin Willmott, Charlie Wachtel and David Rabinowitz also script the feature film.
Jordan Peele (of Oscar winner “Run!”) Is one of the producers.