Il Mammone, an entertaining comedy directed by Giovanni Bognetti with a stellar cast, arrives exclusively on Sky. The story, inspired by the film Tanguy, will revolve around the Bonelli family, made up of a father, a mother and an adult son who does not seem to want to break up with the “nest”.
Il Mammone is the new comedy set to land on Sky. The film, as already mentioned, tells the story of the Bonelli couple, struggling with an adult son who is far too attached to his parents. Based on the original story and on the film Tanguy directed by Etienne Chatiliez and written by Laurent Chouchan and Etienne Chatiliez, the feature film – directed by Giovanni Bognetti – stars Diego Abatantuono and Angela Finocchiaro as Piero and Anna Bonelli. Andrea Pisani plays her son Aldo, while Michela Giraud is Amalia, a character who will meet the Bonelli family during their journey. The film – produced by Warner Bros. Entertainment Italia, Picomedia and Colorado Film – will be shown exclusively from Monday 7 November at 9.15pm on Sky Cinema Uno, streaming only on NOW and available on demand.
Il Mammone, what to expect from the new comedy arriving exclusively on Sky: synopsis
The official poster for Il Mammone, the highly anticipated local version of the Tanguy comedy, has just been released. At the center of events, we will see Aldo, played by comedian Andrea Pisani – known with his colleague Luca Peracino as part of the PanPers duo – a young man too attached to his parents. Although she is not short of means and has her own economic independence, in fact, she does not really want to leave the “nest”. Below we report the full synopsis of the film, arriving on Sky Cinema Uno (and streaming on NOW).
Il Mammone, directed by Giovanni Bognetti
The old Japanese proverb “When you are a mother you are forever” is a mantra in the Bonelli family. Aldo, the only son of Piero and Anna, despite being 35 years old, economically independent, a brilliant academic career as a university professor and countless job opportunities abroad, still lives happily at home with his mother and his father. But one day, the parents realize what they never would have thought: they can’t take it anymore. A real cold war begins at home, in which the Bonellis try to emancipate Aldo and kick him out with all the means at their disposal. The boy, however, has unsuspected resources and is not one to give up easily. The film will be available on Sky Cinema Uno – and for streaming on NOW – from Monday 7 November.