We all use bleach for daily cleaning: for these reasons, it can easily be counted among the most commonly used chemicals to clean and disinfect all surfaces in the home, especially those in the bathroom. . For example, if we were to do a survey, we would find that very few people have ever used bleach, usually because they are put off by the fact that it is a highly corrosive and toxic, both to human health and to human health. the environment, because it is very polluting.
But those who use it do not always know in depth all the potential and contraindications of this extraordinary product. Here are some small curiosities that will allow you to use it in the right way and above all with more security. One of the most talked about peculiarities of bleach is the smell, which not only manages to stand out clearly from the smells given off by other disinfectants, but also triggers in our minds the idea of clean and disinfected. : it will be precisely for this reason that we really tend to use it everywhere.
The most common uses are: washing and disinfecting clothes (sometimes it happens that we use it incorrectly also to wash and carefully clean underwear, which, however, being a delicate fabric should never be treated with chemicals), to disinfect all the different surfaces of the house, especially the bathroom and let’s not forget to mention the liters and liters of bleach that we pour in the toilets to make them as clean as possible and to super bright white. In short, we can say with certainty that some of us could not live without using it in daily cleansing.
Be careful though, because bleach is not suitable for frequent use, so it must be used sparingly and not abuse this product on a daily basis. Indeed, during its use, it releases substances into the environment that could cause respiratory problems. The law in this regard states that there is no specific ban on the use of these substances, but they are only strongly discouraged. Especially if they are used daily, so during ordinary cleaning. Also, it is important not to mix it with other substances that are always chemical based.
This is a very common habit but completely wrong, because using bleach with other disinfectants, like hydrochloric acid, inevitably generates an additional chemical compound that coughs even more. Indeed, chlorine gas is created which, in the event of accidental inhalation, would be very harmful to our health. Also, don’t mix bleach with vinegar, as this will generate a corrosive acid that could lead to deep abrasions on the skin.