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How to Set Up an Instagram Shop – The Ultimate Guide



People no longer only shop offline. These days, business owners, both experienced and novice, are realizing Instagram Shops’ enormous potential. 

Instagram has more than 500 million daily users and has established itself as a leading platform for goods and services sales.

Why the shift? In 2024, Instagram plans to expand its e-commerce platform by offering businesses strong incentives to create an account on Instagram Shop. 

By 2025, the platform should enable sales of around $80 billion in retail and social e-commerce in the US.

These figures present a positive picture for entrepreneurs, giving them a chance to present their goods in a more polished and appealing manner than before. 

This article will walk you through the Instagram Shop setup procedure while showcasing its features.

What is an Instagram Shop?

An Instagram shop is a virtual storefront or online store that allows company owners to display their goods and services and gives customers the chance to browse and buy them. 

You can use this platform’s capabilities, like reels, tales, and frequent postings, to market your company. By utilizing the resources offered by the Instagram Shop, you may improve your chances of making sales, attracting a larger audience, and streamlining the buying process. 

Characteristics of an Instagram Store

Instagram Shop has a number of features that make purchasing and selling easier, making the process quick and easy. Below is a summary of these features:

  • Collections

Customize your Instagram Shop by creating thematic groupings of products. Whether it’s new collections, special additions, or everyday essentials, naming your collections creatively adds an enticing element for your customers.

  • Product Tags

Simplify the understanding of your products by adding tags. These tags allow customers to tap on items and access crucial product information. You can directly feature up to five items from your Instagram catalog in stories, feeds, or reels.

  • Product Detail Pages (PDPs)

These pages, also known as PDPs, provide comprehensive information such as prices and product descriptions directly from your catalog. By tagging your products on Instagram, PDPs not only gather relevant content but also drive potential customers to your business website, completing the sales funnel.

  • Advertisements with Product Tags

Boost your sales potential by reducing the cost per acquisition through ads and product tags. By setting up product-related posts in the ads manager or boosting existing posts on Instagram, you can maximize the impact of this feature.

Steps to Set Up Your Instagram Shop

Congratulations if you’re already using Instagram! Creating an online store is only a few steps away. But first, let’s make sure you meet the requirements for eligibility.

Eligibility Check

Before setting up your shop, ensure that your niche falls within Instagram’s supported market categories. Check Instagram’s help center to confirm if your business qualifies, as failure to meet these criteria may limit your ability to tag items. It’s crucial to adhere to Instagram Shop’s commerce policy.

1.   Product Eligibility

Ensure your inventory is eligible for sale on the platform.

2.   Business Website

Have a business website from which you intend to sell your products.

3.   Merchant Agreement

Strictly adhere to Instagram’s merchant agreement guidelines.

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, here are the steps to set up your Instagram Shop:

Step 1: Create a Business Account

If you don’t have a business account yet, convert your personal Instagram account into a business account:

  • Open your Instagram account.
  • Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner.
  • Go to Settings > Account.
  • Switch the account type.

Step 2: Add Your Product and Services Catalog

To start your Instagram Shop, create a well-maintained product catalog:

  • Log in to Meta Commerce Manager.
  • Click ‘Add catalog.’
  • Choose your catalog type (E-commerce, Travel, Real estate, Auto, Entertainment, or Media).
  • Upload the inventory manually or use a partner.

Step 3: Review Your Instagram Business Account 

After creating your product catalog, Instagram will review your business account. Follow these steps to submit it for review:

  • Click Settings > Sign up for Shopping.
  • Agree to the Seller Agreement guidelines and finish the setup.

Upon sending your account for review, wait a few days for authorization. After approval, you can use your Instagram Shop. 

At this point, you have complete control over how your shop looks and can adjust its appearance to suit your tastes. Remember, if you want to sell more, you need more views on Instagram.


It’s simple to set up your Instagram Shop, and it gives you access to a huge online marketplace. These techniques will help you grow your Instagram following and turn it into a successful e-commerce platform. This will help you reach a wider audience and improve the visibility of your company online.

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