
How to Grow Your Blog and Social Media Following Simultaneously?



Social media has now become a huge part of our lives. Ask anyone on the street today, and most of them likely use at least one social media platform. In fact, according to Smart Insights, 60% of the world’s population uses social media, with an average daily usage of 2 hours and 24 minutes. 

Social media users will continue to rise in numbers. So if you are a blogger, you can maximize the social media platforms to increase your reach and visibility. In order to boost your blog and social media following simultaneously, Fanslet, the leading celebrities news source, is here to provide you with some effective ways to do that. 

Know Your Audience

When it comes to blogging, one of the first things you should do is to know your audience. Some of the subjects you can pursue are travel, food, celebrities news, fashion, personal care, home decorating, and hot news. 

Once you have a subject, you can focus on creating content that targets the needs or preferences of your readers or visitors. Moreover, through the proper selection of social media platforms, you can reach your audience more widely. 

Today, short-form videos have gained so much popularity since they are easy to watch and access. At the end of 2022, TikTok alone has about 1.4 billion monthly active users. So for instance, if you are a travel blogger, you can create a short-form video for TikTok to showcase the places you want to feature and link it up to your blog site to provide more details about the place. 

Share a Snippet of Your Blog Post on Social Media Sites

As you probably notice, current news or celebrities news is widely spread on social media sites as links to the main news site.  So like current news or celebrities news, you can also share a snippet of your blog posts on your social media platforms. 

That way, you can boost your blog post with a chance to increase your social media following since your audience may want to be updated whenever you have a new blog post. 

In fact, based on a LinkedIn article, about 95.9% of bloggers maximize social media platforms to promote their blogs, and also 97% of them say that social media significantly help them to increase their traffic. So, this is the power of social media whenever you share your blog on their platforms. 

Create Interesting and Quality Content

Even before the social media era, you will only be successful in blogging if your audience finds your posts fun and interesting. Furthermore, in order to maintain blog readers or visitors, one key element they look for is quality content. 

If you are sharing your blog posts on social media sites, capturing the interest of your audience can be a little bit harder. With various content available on social media sites, you have to capture their curiosity with amusing titles and excellent quality content to direct them to your blog. 

Incorporate Social Media Buttons on Your Blog

Since people are more used to social media sites, more often than not, they will likely engage with you through these social media platforms. So on your page, it is essential to put your social media buttons so your readers or visitors can engage with you and your work more conveniently. 

Moreover, you can also use your social media sites to ask for their feedback by messaging them directly, creating polls, or engaging with them through comments. Building communication and relationships with your audience can inspire you to boost your blog posts following their wishes and preferences. 

Keep Up with the Latest Trends

With an extensive range of content available on the internet, as a blogger, you need to keep up with the latest trend to maintain or increase your social media followers and grow your blog at the same time. Moreover, you must actively follow industry-related news, blogs, influencers, and social media accounts that provide the latest trends in your niche.

Incorporating trending topics and themes into your blog posts and social media content can attract more readers and visitors, especially those who are interested in the latest trends. 


Growing your blog and social media following simultaneously is not an easy job. It requires an intense amount of dedication, planning, and effort. Whether your blog is about fashion, trending news, food, travel, celebrities news, or self-development, you can use the tips presented in this article for the benefit of your blog and social media sites. 

By knowing your audience, sharing your blog posts on social media, creating interesting and quality content, putting up social media buttons on your blog site, and keeping up with the latest trends, you can boost your blog and social media following at the same time. 

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