
How much water should you drink per day? Here is the expert opinion



The first thing to do to have a healthy life is to drink enough because drinking the right amount of water daily promotes the elimination of waste from the body by increasing the excretion of urine and sweat. In addition, in subjects who practice sports or physical activity, it promotes the development of muscles. This is mainly due to two factors, which many ignore, first, you should know that 75% of muscle mass is made up of water and second, you should know that water can antagonize the catabolic effects of cortisol.

Thus, if physical activity is prolonged over time, the adrenal glands significantly increase the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that has a catabolic effect on muscle tissue, to understand, it tends to “break it down” to produce more energy. Water neutralizes this catabolic activity. The latter has an “aesthetic” effect because it easily manages to give shape and rigidity to fabrics. Not to mention that it helps keep the surfaces of the nose, eyes and ears sufficiently moist.

It also promotes proper joint lubrication through the production of a particular fluid that is defined as synovial. Many wonder whether it is better to drink cold water, at room temperature, or hot. A glass of lukewarm water in the morning has a positive effect, as it promotes intestinal peristalsis, thus evacuation (against constipation). With regard to cold water, the consumption of the latter during meals can cause digestive disorders, outside meals, on the contrary, it causes pain and stomach cramps.

It is precisely for this reason that it is advisable to consume water at room temperature even on the hottest summer days. The right amount of water to consume per day varies from 1200 ml (corresponding to approximately 6 glasses of water) to 2000 ml (corresponding to approximately 10 glasses of water). The average consumption, which is between 1500 – 1600 ml, can be obtained by consuming: one glass of water at breakfast, two glasses of water at lunch, two glasses of water at dinner and what remains will be approximately one half liter of water, which should be consumed between meals, in the afternoon or in the morning.

But beware, since the guideline that has just been illustrated is very general, each organism needs a specific water supply. Water consumption, shown above, increases with physical activity. Physical activity generates heat, so, therefore, to avoid an excessive rise in body temperature, our body increases the excretion of sweat. By evaporating, the latter evacuates the heat of the overheated body.

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