
Here are the worst brands to avoid



Pasta is one of the three most purchased products by Italian consumers. It is in fact an extremely economical and versatile food, therefore able to make us savor different tastes by eating it every day. It’s true, there are people who can’t do without pasta at least once a day. Other people, on the other hand, tend to avoid it because they are convinced that it is a source of too many carbohydrates and fats that will end up in sensitive areas of their body.

A very popular TV show recently conducted a survey from which emerged a sad reality that, in a short time, threw consumers into despair. Here are some analyzes carried out on samples of Italian pasta belonging to well-known brands: the news is not at all reassuring and the blow is all the harder since brands have been damaged that we all thought were among the best. for the taste report. .and health.

What intrigued, and not a little, those who carried out the studies and all of us, was the percentage in which certain pesticides were found in the pasta samples analyzed. These chemicals will certainly help to save the cereal from contamination by insects, but they themselves affect the quality and goodness of the product, since they develop really very dangerous, even harmful substances.

In a short time, all the major consumer protection associations lined up alongside citizens to demand more protection and information. In fact, most of the time, these toxic elements are not reported on the labels and therefore prevent us from making a purchase with a conscience. The consumer has the right to be aware of all the treatments that the raw materials have undergone, so that he can be free to understand whether the food respects his wishes or not.

The element that has caused such a stir is glyphosate: it is a harmful substance that is inserted into the soil to help preserve it. This pesticide was used in such large quantities that the soil could not completely absorb it, so much so that the new sowing of wheat took place with the presence of the pesticide: this resulted in the contamination of the entire harvest. Experts therefore recommend not to blindly trust the brand, but to pay as much attention as possible to the information given to us on the label.

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