Inseparable companions of snacks, breakfasts and many snack times, cookies belong to many human cultures, and the “modern” in almost all cases consist of culinary preparations of round, rectangular or square shape, with a more or less important part made up of flours and sugars. Cookies, like any other form of dish, have been made for several decades through distinct industrial preparations, and the growing variety of cookie types makes it difficult to define which are healthy and which are not. Which ones should you not eat?
Cookies alert: here are the ones you absolutely must not eat!
Different types taken into consideration by different consumer associations such as Altroconsumo have in fact attempted to establish their own classifications among the many categories of biscuits, taking into account nutritional factors and the presence of more or less harmful substances.
Different categories of biscuits are taken into account, such as shortbread, dry, wholemeal and “without” biscuits.
Shortbread cookies tend to be made with few ingredients such as flour, sugar, fat and eggs, but they contain the most calories. In general, this value should never exceed 15 calories per cookie.
The buckets are made almost entirely of flour but they are not necessarily the healthiest, but the simple composition makes them more digestible.
Wholemeal biscuits are the richest in fiber but the intake is not always “pure” because wholemeal biscuits are often accompanied by excessive amounts of palm and coconut oil, which are products composed of “unnecessary” fats ” or almost useless for the body.
Those “without” are very popular today because they are advertised as free from harmful substances, but they are not necessarily the healthiest, on the contrary they often exceed in caloric intake and non-harmful substances but which are present in greater amount.
In general, the recommended “safe” daily dose of any cookie is no more than 35 grams.