
Guilherme de Padoue, assassin of Daniella Perez, dies at 53



According to G1, former actor Guilherme de Pádua died yesterday (06), also marked by the murder of Daniella Perez, the daughter of author and producer Gloria Perez, in 1992.

At 53, Guilherme could not resist after suffering a heart attack at home.

The information was confirmed by Pastor Márcio Valadão, founder of the Lagoinha Baptist Church, of which Guilherme was a member and also one of the pastors.

“Just before 10 p.m., I received a call from a sister who told me about one of our pastors who had just passed away. For me it had a very big impact, because this morning I led the service and he was with his wife on the first bench. He committed this terrible crime with Daniela Perez, was arrested, served his sentence and converted. He was inside the house, fell down and died. He just died,” Márcio said.

So far, no further details about the incident have been revealed.

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This year, Padua faced controversy for using his YouTube channel to try to speak out about the murder after backlash from the documentary ‘Brutal Pact: The Murder of Daniella Perez’.

In the video, he claims that the production is partial and that he did not want to give his testimony.

Daniella was only 22 at the time, and the crime shocked the country, leading to Guilherme being sentenced to 19 years for capital murder.

Directed by Tatiana Issa and Guto Barra, who also wrote the screenplay, the production reconstructs in five episodes the details of the case that impacted Brazil.

From the start of the video, Guilherme tries to justify himself by saying:

“The news came that I would have blocked my social networks to be aware of this series. It is not true, because in May 2020, when I left, I still did not know this show. Is that Has anyone there heard from you?I found out about six months ago, by surprise, that I hadn’t been contacted.

He goes on to say that he will use social media to defend himself.

“At that time, we were at the height of the pandemic. And, it seems the debate was off limits. The animosity was strong, and my life involves several communication difficulties. That’s why this pastor told me that. Social networks are very useful to me, and the press has never given me a voice, because one side always pursues me and rightly so, I understand. If I were them, I would too. But since I am me, I have to defend myself. And social media is useful for that.

#PactoBrutal is not the version of the accusation, as Guilherme de Pádua says, it is the definitive version, of the judgment. He was convicted based on the evidence, so there’s no longer a party. There is the truth of the matter and which, now, he is trying to deny.

— Daniel Cesar (@demlocesar) July 25, 2022

Throughout the video, he states that he will present his side of the story and present new evidence about the crime with the help of his ex-wife and accomplice, Paula Nogueira Thomaz.

“I can devastatingly shatter some of the theses that are presented. HBO, so famous, so professional, made such a mistake, left this space for a contestant to present the proof, the proof that is hidden from you who watch this show.

Now 52, ​​after serving just seven years of his sentence, Pádua is pastor of the Lagoinha Baptist Church in his hometown of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, and says he thinks less and less about crime.

Saying he is sad and upset, he recognizes that Gloria and Daniella’s entire family are the ones who suffer the most from the loss.

“I will not play the victim, but [a situação] it is not pleasant. I’ve spent nights trying to fix this, but there’s no way to fix the past,” he says.

Still, he says he doesn’t accept the way the story was told in the documentary.

“You are going to watch a totally partial series, what does that mean? An investigative work, an investigative journalism, it intends to bring to light all the evidence, the proofs and to present the hypotheses, which fit, with the dynamics of what has been discovered, with the evidence, with the expertise. “, he explained. HBO was able to do a very thorough thing and give us viewers the right to do our own analysis, but they missed that opportunity.

Finally, he says he can “bring some things in” to the case, but doesn’t say exactly what or how he’s going to do it.

“You can wait for me to bring you some things. It’s not about saying “believe my version”, but about thinking about yourself, right? What they don’t do, like this brown press, this biased press that wants to pull the sardines aside, this show is totally based solely on the prosecution’s version.”

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In 1992, actress and dancer Daniella Perez was murdered by Guilherme de Pádua and his wife, Paula Thomaz, in a cruelly premeditated crime. The 22-year-old’s untimely death shook the country. The murder of Daniella, daughter of international Emmy-winning Brazilian author and producer Gloria Perez, gained notoriety and occupied the front pages of national newspapers for years.

After three decades, Gloria Perez revisits the search for the truth behind the story that changed her life forever. The author shares his experience as the production presents, in never-before-seen files, the details of the investigations and the trial of this doubly qualified homicide case.

As the mother of the victim, she tracked down witnesses, identified evidence and helped expose the mistakes of Brazilian authorities. His performance was fundamental for the resolution of the case, in addition to having left a legacy when he succeeded in modifying Brazilian legislation, beginning to include aggravated homicide among heinous crimes.

For director and screenwriter Guto Barra, the production of true crime contributes to the elucidation of this tragedy which marked Brazil. “Through extensive research, we bring to light the barbarism of the crime, with information that was not revealed at the time of the murder.” According to Tatiana Issa, who directed and worked with Guto, “the Daniella Perez case inspires many feelings and her documentary portrayal not only reveals Daniella as an artist, daughter and wife, but also the deficiency of the Brazilian legal system”.

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