
government maneuver 2023 most important measures



The economic maneuver of 32 billion for the Meloni government’s finance law is taking shape. On November 21, green light in the Council of Ministers. With the understanding that 21 billion will be used to fight against high bills, here are the other most important chapters.

Reduce the reinforced tax wedge by up to 3 points for low incomes and go beyond the Fornero law with a “bridge” solution that links the quota of 41 to the limit of 62 years. But also a compression of the citizen’s income for which the possible reduction of the allowance is assessed. Between fixed points and measures to be submitted until the last minute, the maneuver is taking shape and preparing for the launch expected in the next few hours in the Council of Ministers. A finance law which goes to 32 billion, of which two thirds – 21 billion in deficit – all intended for the emergency of expensive energy and fuel.

Palazzo Chigi, seat of government. Photo Ansa/Chigi Filippo Attili

Maneuver, difficult articulation

The axis of financial coverage weighs on the other maneuvered measures, that is to say the fact that there is really money to support them and make them work. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has informed her allies – Berlusconi and Salvini – that she does not intend to support measures whose financial coverage is no longer assured. And the money available in the state coffers is scarce. A difficult articulation, to which must be added the very tight deadline for approval of the maneuver. Which, once out of the Council of Ministers, will enter, so to speak, into Parliament. But if the House and the Senate do not approve it by December 31, the provisional exercise will begin: proof of a lack of cohesion in the government majority.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at a G20 event in Indonesia last week. Photo Ansa/Chigi Filippo Attili

The Council of Ministers will take place in the afternoon of November 21, around 5 p.m.: it is not excluded that a technical-political meeting will take place beforehand, the so-called control room, to finalize the package of measures . Once the government approves the maneuver, the text will have to be sent to Brussels, where the European Commission will review it and can comment on financial compliance with European parameters. “Any measure introduced must be covered by the Minister of the Economy. The situation is very complicated”, admits the undersecretary to the presidency Giovanbattista Fazzolari, who however excludes tensions and fibrillation in the majority.

“Zero VAT? It is expensive and not very useful”

A climate that Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini confirms: “There is absolutely agreement on the whole maneuver, we are also working on other details. If we could remove VAT on basic necessities and children, that would be a good sign”. A final agreement is still lacking on VAT. The idea of ​​setting it to zero or reducing it on bread, pasta and milk emerged after the government meeting last Friday. They welcome the intervention of the Lega and Forza Italia. The measure, however, would cost almost half a billion and according to consumer associations it does not would bring a profit of only 21 euros per year into the pockets of citizens.

Matteo Salvini with Luca Zaia in Venice. Photo Ansa/Andrea Merola

basic income

There is also a reasoning about the tightening of the basic income, with which resources are sought for 1.5-2 billion. In these hours, the how is still under discussion, explains the Undersecretary of Labor, Claudio Durigon. Who ensures that aid will stay for the poor, perhaps by launching a fight against sneaky revenues. For the rest, the basic income will not be for life. The idea is also to withdraw it from those who can be employed with a transitional phase of 6 months. There would also be an ongoing reflection on the possible reduction of the allowance.

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