
Gambit for workers: wages keep falling! when it can happen



The real risk that the amounts of monthly wages of employees will decrease again: the government is in crisis

If there is a real injustice in Italy, for many years, it certainly concerns the value of the wages of those who work. Employees for 30 years have never seen the economic bar raised on their wages.

Salary bonus cut (pixabay)

The cost of living has increased, as has the market for real estate or financial investments. While wages have either suffered lethal declines or remained stable below a certain threshold.

The Draghi government, in the various procedures for aiding categories of taxpayers, introduced the so-called Paycheck Bonus in 2022. This is a modest but significant increase in the monthly salaries of employees, always intended to help citizens considering inflation and the high cost of living.

Goodbye paycheck bonus? The Meloni government risks having to cut aid to employees

The risk now, at least according to certain rumors in the political and financial world, is that we say goodbye to the salary bonus. From the new year, with the start of 2023, the automatic subsidy granted by the state could come to an abrupt end. Giorgia Meloni (photo Ansa)

The nascent government, under the leadership of Giorgia Meloni, may indeed have to take drastic financial measures. Draghi’s previous leadership, with the support of the European Union, had adopted quite costly measures and aid to ease the pressure of inflation on citizens.

It is difficult to understand with what maneuver Meloni and company will be able to give continuity to the decrees in question. The risk is that it will be necessary to reduce state spending, starting with the abolition of certain bonuses, such as that on employee salaries.

The consequences, in case the Meloni government is unable to reconfirm the reduction of the tax wedge to 2% previously imposed, are clear: the wage bill will be lower from January 1, 2023.

To give concrete examples: a worker with a gross salary of 2,000 euros would end up with a reduction of 40 euros per month, or around 520 euros per year, even considering the thirteenth. And so on: instead it will be 650 euros per year for a salary of 2,500 euros gross per month.

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