
Flat Tax, VAT number updates: everything you need to know



Yesterday, October 25, Giorgia Meloni obtained confidence and promised the fight against tax evasion: let’s see in detail what concerns the flat tax

Fewer taxes to pay and a reduced flat tax: this is how the new Prime Minister made it known to the Italian people after gaining confidence. The first changes concern UK Vat Numbers.

Giorgia Meloni gave a speech on the flat tax to be reduced and on the tax fight from the topicality of VAT numbers. First of all, there is the desire to extend the beneficiaries by raising the threshold to 100,000 euros and then by introducing the incremental flat tax. The flat tax was one of the cornerstones of the centre-right, something the centre-left was opposed to.

According to what was planned by Sole24Ore, it is very likely that the extension of the group of beneficiaries of taxation with a fixed rate of 15% will be introduced step by step. First, the idea is to start by raising the audience of beneficiaries to VAT numbers with revenues and royalties up to 85,000 euros from 2023 and then to expand the audience up to 100,000 euros from 2024.

Flat Tax, the promises of Giorgia Meloni and the scalar system

To keep her electoral promises, Giorgia Meloni has shown her desire to introduce the incremental flat tax, valid only on the increase in declared income. The novelty concerns the period taken into consideration: whereas in the electoral campaign he spoke of the previous three years, it is now the previous year which is taken into consideration. What the Prime Minister has imagined would also serve to fight against tax evasion, which does not seem to be a declining problem, far from it. The idea of ​​the scalar system is undoubtedly to the credit of the Draghi government, which developed it in the tax delegation with the executive.

There are many advantages, starting with the fact that the cost of the measure is limited and that it has already obtained approval from General Accounting. Meloni’s project is clear: she wants to support everyone who wants to do business in Italy and she wants the executive to facilitate and support these personalities.

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