A little inattention cost Fiorello a bit as he “stripped” on social media showing his iPad screen
What a gaffe of the Sicilian showman who in recent hours has published a video on Instagram seen by millions of people in which he framed his iPad where there was a detail that no one has missed.
Fiorello didn’t realize what he was showing his followers on Instagram at all. In particular, during the morning, Fiorello engaged in the live recordings of Aspettando Viva Rai 2, a social pre-show that anticipates the program that will actually be broadcast from November. With great pomp, with an undeniable trademark made of his comedy, Fiorello does a kind of irreverent press review in the company of old men gathered here and there in the city.
Among the pages, Fiorello therefore placed special emphasis on the words of Pope Francis who recently pointed out that among nuns and priests there is a habit of consuming pornographic material online. Although the showman is neither a priest nor a nun, he came across a very inherent gaffe in what was said.
Fiorello, the frame that suits him: red light films on his iPad
At one point, Fiorello’s shot moves to his iPad showing an obvious red light video or film featuring a half-naked woman. There’s also another pop-up card that for a few moments showed just as much spicy moments. However, as Today points out, it is possible that the blunder was committed specifically, precisely for the theme it was dealing with and not a simple slip, also because Fiorello never leaves anything to chance.
Another hypothesis is that of site pop-ups that often come out when we access certain sites. What is certain is that the little mishap particularly amused the showman’s audience, who did not miss an opportunity to laugh about it. With the understanding that Fiorello has succeeded in his objective: to promote the program that will soon see him as the protagonist of Rai 2.