
England today increasingly unstable: is it in danger of political isolation?



England has always been synonymous with reliability, solidity and stability, with the resignation of Prime Minister Truss, it said goodbye to the shortest government in its history. Composed of only 45 days. A period of time that was enough to define Truss in the media, the Lady Icerberg”. To underline the total disaster despite the actions of the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher. Where Truss took inspiration from. What happens at the center of the reign of Charles III?

But if for us Italians, also accustomed to so-called “seaside governments” – according to a brilliant definition – they have been for decades the symbol of our well-known political liveliness; for England, this perpetual and incessant political instability is a real Shakespearean drama.

Liz Truss/Ansa Photo

Over the centuries, England has represented the throbbing center of modernity. After the end of the Second World War, he then had to cede the scepter to the monopoly of starry influence in Europe and the world. While maintaining a privileged line of communication with the American ally. For decades, thanks to financial might, access to the European single market and the Commonwealth, England had nevertheless managed to maintain its own strategic and global role on the international stage. But now, with the death of Queen Elizabeth, Brexit, a war in the heart of Europe and a global recession upon us, her political and economic leadership is in question.

England’s strategic role disappeared with Brexit

Truss’ fatal mistake was said to have been the economic maneuver launched just over two weeks after he took office. It included a substantial tax cut for the wealthier classes of £45billion. And he claimed to make up for lost revenue by increasing public debt. This operation, leading to a rise in interest rates, threatened to explode the coverage of pension funds, which are based on British government bonds. And with it the entire financial system of the City. Hence England, like the United States, receives huge economic flows. In fact, the activity of the two financial centers of Wall Street and the City is so dense and hectic that they are compared to Lake Baikal (the deepest Siberian lake in the world, editor’s note).

England / Photo by Google

England, even before the real economy, has lived for decades primarily on wealth from financial transactions. And in particular the role of bridge between the European markets and Wall Street, very profitable and strategic for the attraction of capital. Furthermore, the skilled labor of European emigrants – lured by the myth of London – was the cornerstone of British business. Then came the political blow of Brexit which caused an unprecedented food crisis in the country, especially in times of pandemic, and today with the war in Ukraine, it is left alone to face the expensive bills and inflation. galloping.

The dangers of British political isolation

Brexit coincided with the worst possible economic moment for England between global conjunctions on the one hand and political chaos on the other. It all started there, from this “deal” or “no-deal” with the EU, which marked the end of Prime Minister Theresa May and then the advent of Boris Johnson. We have witnessed the rapid depletion of wealth resulting from the long and profitable British imperialism. Right now the nation is in the condition that “if it loses its charm”, it loses everything. Indeed we can say that if it loses its legendary lucidity and political stability, it could “lose the crown”. The risk? Really becoming just an island. And then there are the separatist winds: the one blowing from Scotland, a territory that has always aspired to greater independence; of Northern Ireland, now increasingly divided internally between Unionists and pro-Irish Catholics.

England / Google photos

To this could be added twenty from the rest of the Commonwealth. Could the queen’s death have ended the spell? It was one thing that the head of state tied the loyalty of these countries to the English monarchy. We count the successors. Stomach aches have emerged in Antigua and Barbuda, just days after the Queen’s disappearance. The Caribbean island’s president has said the referendum could take place within three years. “Disconnecting from the monarchy and becoming a republic,” President Browne said, would mark the “final step in completing the circle of independence to become a truly sovereign nation.” Besides Antigua and Barbuda, other states are also considering leaving the Commonwealth. These include the islands of Barbados, Belize and Jamaica. So will England be able not to drop “the sceptre”? Or will he end up becoming a political dwarf in the ocean of globalization?

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