The acclaimed animation ‘Encanto’, Walt Disney Studios’ 60th title, has become one of Casa Mouse’s biggest hits, and now a new behind-the-scenes video has been released featuring iconic director Lin-Manuel Miranda and Stephanie Beatriz (voice actor for protagonist Mirabel Madrigal.
The featurette explores the process of writing songs for the film, including “The Family Madrigal”, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” and “Dos Oruguitas”.
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Remember that the animation will be released on the Disney + platform on December 24.
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Enchanting magic has blessed every child in the family with a unique gift, from super strength to healing power – every child except one: Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz). But when she finds out that the magic around town is in danger, Mirabel decides that she, the only ordinary Madrigal, may be her exceptional family’s last hope.
Jared Bush and Byron Howard (‘Zootopia’) are responsible for the production.
“Enchantment” will be the third Disney animation in the past five years to feature a non-Caucasian woman as the main character, following Moana (Polynesian) and Raya and the Last Dragon (Asian).
The feature film also includes original songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda (‘Hamilton’).