
Emma Marrone, the message after the medical examinations: everyone holds their breath



October 24 was an important date for all fans of Emma Marrone: the singer traveled to Milan to undergo important medical examinations regarding the tumor she had been battling with for more than ten years. Here is the result.

Emma Marrone has certainly proven to be a very strong woman, even before being an artist. After her father’s death, she didn’t hesitate to show herself in her grief, pointing the finger at people who had filmed a few private moments at the funeral trying to sell the photos. Even the tumor raged against her several times.

The photo with which singer Emma Marrone showed her support for the Mind Foundation, which deals with the construction of therapeutic centers for autism (source: Instagram).

The Apulian singer underwent three surgeries, later becoming a witness in the fight for cancer prevention. Indeed, since 2009, she has been fighting cancer of the uterus and ovaries. After the first operation in Rome, he had participated with the bust in the Amici auditions, asking never to talk about his health problems.

Emma Marrone, the new medical examinations: the result

The singer of Every time it’s like that had also found a way to joke about her state of health during an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport: “It’s easier for you to find me in a medical center than in a spa”. The reality she had to face, however, was very harsh: in the second operation, they removed a tube and an ovary.

October 24, 2022: Emma Marrone collects the platinum disc for the single Every time it’s like that (Instagram photo).

Emma’s last operation dates back to 2019. A year later, it’s the big announcement: the doctor told her that she had definitely recovered from the disease. With regard to tumors, however, it is not excluded that there is a relapse, especially in the years following recovery. For this reason, it is necessary to undergo health checks.

The message to his audience: “Do it once in a while, be calm”

On October 24, Emma Marrone left Rome, where she lives, for Milan. The reason for the trip was precisely a checkup regarding healing from uterus and ovarian cancer. Shortly after, he posted this message: “Everything is fine. I recommend you guys*, take care. Get yourself a check-up from time to time, for example, be calm”.

Emma Marrone has touched on the topic of motherhood on some occasions. She explained that she doesn’t have any health issues preventing her from getting pregnant, but right now she wants to do “a lot more rock ‘n roll.” Having children is not a priority at the moment, but the desire is there. The singer explained that she had frozen the ovarian tissue.

Here is Emma Marrone’s message after the medical examinations: Message from Emma Marrone after the medical visits: all the fans were waiting to know the results (Instagram photo).

Below however, a preview of the film The Return of Stefano Chiantini, in which Emma Marrone is also present in the cast:

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