Elize Matsunaga, Netflix has released the trailer for its new documentary series that will explore the murder of Yoki food brand entrepreneur Marcos Matsunaga, shot and dismembered in 2012 by his own wife, Elize.
Entitled “Elize Matsunaga: Once Upon a Time”, the documentary features testimonials from Elize herself, as well as members of her family and colleagues.
In addition to them, the case will be commented on by experts who participated in the investigations, journalists, defense and prosecution lawyers and criminal experts.
The premiere is scheduled for July 8.
In all, the series will have four episodes of approximately 50 minutes.
Throughout the interviews, audiences will get a more detailed look into Elize’s childhood in a small town in Paraná called Chopinzinho, right down to her complicated relationship with Matsunaga.
The post-crime outcome will also be explored, including cover-up attempts, a guilty plea, an arrest and trial in 2016, and even temporary exits, all from a camera perspective.