“The Offer,” a behind-the-scenes series of the feature-length “The Godfather,” underwent an impressive change with the resignation of Armie Hammer after several accusations of cannibalism and sexual abuse.
However, the project regained momentum by being rebuilt to film format, supervised by Paramount, and by hiring Emmy winner Elisabeth Moss (via Deadline).
Moss, known for her roles in the acclaimed productions “The Handmaid’s Tale“, “We” and “The Invisible Man,” will bring Eleanor Coppola, wife of director Francis Ford Coppola (Oscar Isaac) to life. Jake Gyllenhaal rounds out the cast as iconic executive producer Robert Evans.
Directed and written by Barry Levinson, the work continues without an official title. Andrew Farotte signed the original screenplay.
Levinson also enters as a producer alongside Kevin Turen, Jon Levin, Mike Marcus, Doug Mankoff, Andrew Spaulding and Jason Sosnoff.