
Eating this type of pasta every day can be dangerous: here’s what



Thanks to some statistical data, it turned out that most of the Italian population eats pasta every day. The mistaken belief that pasta makes you fat is more and more on the verge of being cleared up, with the population becoming more and more aware thanks to the help of nutritionists, the only real experts in the sector. They are the ones who tell us that the caloric intake of pasta does not depend on the pasta itself, but rather on the sauce we use.

Experts advise us to eat pasta for lunch and not for dinner, because at lunch the body will have more time to get rid of and thus begin digestion. They want to make it clear that this is an advice and not an obligation, because studies have shown that for people suffering from sleep disorders, it would be better to consume it with dinner rather than lunch. . Indeed, it is a food particularly rich in tryptophan, a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone that promotes relaxation, and improves the quality of sleep.

Pasta has a high average glycemic index, so immediately after ingesting it we will have a large amount of sugar in our blood and the insulin produced by our pancreas will not be enough to neutralize it. This phenomenon can be very dangerous, as it could lead to the onset of diabetes. To eliminate this possibility, experts advise us to eat pasta al dente: the more the pasta is cooked, the higher the glycemic index will be.

Another thing to check is the amount of pasta in the daily serving. Many Italian ladies orient themselves “by eye”: this is not a strictly correct practice, let’s see together why. Experts advise us to equip ourselves with scales and not to exceed 80 grams per serving. This stems from the fact that the daily carbohydrate requirement is around 60%, so during the rest of the day we need something else like, for example, cereals especially for breakfast.

Certainly, the caloric intake from cereals should never be lacking even during the other meals of the day: we have learned to understand that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and therefore should not be underestimated. During this meal we could take classic organic cereals to accompany the milk, a bar to cut hunger between meals and, finally, for dinner we could meet the need for cereals thanks to the contribution of a few slices of bread, better if integral.

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