
Easy, commission-free payments: the prepaid cards that will save you money



Here is the list of the most practical prepaid cards in circulation to use and activate, without having to spend too much on commissions

For several years, consumers in Italy and beyond have had a useful and efficient tool for payments and financial transactions. That is to say prepaid cards, which have replaced the old and classic credit cards.

Prepaid cards recommended (Pixabay)

Prepaid cards are electronic cards, often linked to banking or financial circuits, which are however more easily managed by users. They are not directly linked to current accounts, but are fed independently by the owner by inserting the necessary money from time to time.

A good way to differentiate daily expenses from those that are more voluminous and therefore linked to your bank or postal accounts. But sometimes prepaid cards hide unpleasant surprises, such as high commissions and upcoming usage delays.

The list of the most practical prepaid cards on the market: non-existent commissions and zero risk of scams

Choosing a prepaid card, perhaps not linked to your bank account, is not easy. There are many types currently on the market, each with their own convenience or important features.

It always depends on what you want to use it for. There are those who activate prepaid cards for simpler purchases, some to credit your salary, others to entrust it to their children for their “young” expenses.

In the meantime, Money.it offers a list of practical prepaid cards, without commissions and therefore completely free (apart from the initial activation cost):

Revolut Standard Card HypePostePay EvolutionViabuyPayPal PrepaidN26 Standard Postepay among the most convenient prepaid cards (via screenshot)

If, on the other hand, you want to use a prepaid card for the youngest, for the first expenses and the first economic responsibilities, several choices are available to you.

For example, there is the Flash Card option, the rechargeable Intesa San Paolo with an activation cost of 9.99 euros and 0.50 cents per month commission. Or Revolut Junior, a card dedicated to teenagers and linked to the parents’ Revolut account. Finally, it is also worth mentioning UniCreditCard Click, a series of prepaid cards always dedicated to children with a contactless function.

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