Hypercholesterolemia is a disease that affects more and more patients, regardless of gender and age. The causes are mainly of two types: an incorrect and unbalanced diet, rich in fats or lipids or a genetic factor. In fact, vertical transmissions of diseases such as bad diabetes have increased exponentially. Doctors generally distinguish between two types of diabetes: good and bad, also known as LDL.
What experts recommend is, in the first place, to change the eating style. In fact, it could be an excellent countermeasure to adopt to counter the advance of this pathology. What we introduce into our body can be our friend or our bitter enemy: in fact, there are foods capable of increasing the level of cholesterol in our blood and others, on the other hand, capable of lowering it. Let’s see what they are together.
The foods to favor if you suffer from this pathology are mainly legumes, vegetables and cereals. Foods of plant origin are, in many cases, an excellent choice to make to bring well-being to our organism, whatever the pathology from which we suffer. To these vegetables it would be good to give lean meats or fish. Fish, nutritionists advise, should also be eaten up to three times a week by patients with hypercholesterolemia. Obviously, frying is to be avoided as much as possible: it is better to favor alternative cooking such as steaming or grilling.
Vegetables and legumes are foods that can also be eaten every day, without any limitations except in the way of dressing them. In fact, experts advise us to use very little oil, but preferably extra virgin olive oil, and also some spices. Another food that has proven to be our great ally is fruit. This should never be missing from our tables, since it is able to satiate us without providing a large amount of calories.
These foods have the great ability to prevent us from introducing large amounts of calories and, at the same time, help us reduce cardiovascular risks thanks to the antioxidants and vitamins they contain. In fact, they work by controlling cholesterol levels in our blood vessels. In addition, they take care to eliminate all the fatty substances which normally, in the case of a patient suffering from hypercholesterolemia, would be deposited on the walls of the arteries causing atherosclerotic plaques which are the main cause of strokes and strokes. myocardial infarction.