
Differentiating Between Manual And Automated Tests.



What Is Automated Testing

Automated testing ensures that a product is ready for release by checking its functionality and requirements. This technique for validating software involves the use of automated scripts. At its core, automated testing involves executing tests using automation.

When you run a No-code Test Automation, it immediately compares the results to the expectations set by the organization; this helps to answer the question of whether or not the program or application is functioning normally.

An excellent feature of automation testing frameworks is that they can simulate the work of your quality assurance team. When performing the same operation repeatedly, the computer never tires of it.

The rapid development of high-quality software, websites, and products is made possible by rigorously testing each component frequently. Additionally, Ai-based testing insights help collect valuable data.


Your team can carry out tests more efficiently by employing mobile automation testing.

To conduct tests manually would necessitate additional time and human resources. Automation reduces the use of both of these scarce assets. As a result, plenty of qualified individuals can work in other avenues.

Remember, your team and everyone in it, including the quality assurance testers, is human. Automatic testing removes the possibility of human error and paves the way for more stable programs to be written.

When To Automate?

Automated testing has its advantages and disadvantages, just like any other method. This method of testing, as opposed to manual testing, is still the best option in some cases. You can adopt automation for the following cases:

  • You can automate tests that are time consuming or complex.
  • Automation is perfect for tests that are challenging to run manually.
  • You can automate repetitive tests.
  • If you have a set of tests that you run frequently, consider automating them.
  • You can perform initial smoke tests using automation.
  • You can use automation to perform load or performance testing.
  • Automation is also a great choice for cross-platform testing.


However, automated testing does have its limitations.

Automation testing requires specialized automation testing tools, and they are not always cheap. This aspect could drive up the price of the whole testing project. For temporary projects, you should implement manual testing methodologies.

Your automated test will carry out your every command. You can only identify flaws or problems if your testing scenario specifies what you need.

No matter how thorough your automated tests are, they will not be able to detect User Experience (UX) faults or Design errors that are visible to a human.

Manual Testing

Manual testing involves manually testing cases and compiling the test reports. Therefore, organizations usually leave manual testing to seasoned professionals.

The benefit of manual testing is that your testers can have limited knowledge of how the software works under the hood. Although many automation tools exist, you cannot discredit manual testing.

In reality, manual testing is a prerequisite to help set up and run effective automated testing.

First-rate manual testing is essential for laying the groundwork necessary for automation. While manual testing may take more time and effort at first, it may save time and money in the long run.

The most valuable aspect of manual testing is that it permits testing real-world scenarios, usually following the circumstances specified in test cases; this allows us to detect bugs or screen problems that automated testing can’t catch.

Manual Testing Advantages And Disadvantages

Manual testing is still helpful for many reasons. It may be the optimal solution when testing the application or getting ready to implement automation.


Aids in precisely setting up automated tests

Automatic testing is only as good as its setup, which you can only set up with the help of manual testing. Before automating, it is essential to determine the kind of information that your programs will routinely access.

You Don’t Have To Know Anything About Complex Code

Unlike automated testing, manual testing does not demand expert-level programming skills. Any one of your QA pros can pick up a test case and effortlessly run through the required steps.

Verifies That Everything Appearing On The Screen Is As It Should Be.

Some checks, as was indicated, must always be done by hand. Because of this, automated tests can’t verify the visual state of a page after it goes live; this is especially true for usability and interface testing.

Especially Useful After Making Small Updates

Even for a little update, running an automation test can be time-consuming because it requires coding on the back end.

Manual testing allows checking for these kinds of details as they arise.


While manual testing has significant advantages, we must also consider the negatives.

The Existence Of Human Error

When it comes to manual testing, there is always space for error because humans are performing it; this is, unfortunately, inevitable in manual testing.

Increase In Time And Human Resources.

Unlike automated testing, which can be set up and left to operate without more input from its operators, its creators must perform manual testing.

Extensive software testing typically requires a substantial investment of time and money.

However, crowd-testing and other testing platforms make it possible to outsource manual testing.

Test cases conducted manually must adhere to a strict procedure. With this information, your development team will be better able to reproduce the bug and investigate its cause; this used to take a long time because you had to train your testers on what kinds of problems to look for and how to report them.

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