
Denise Pipitone disappeared, new twist: “I didn’t know anything about it”



Denise Pipitone has disappeared, a new twist: “I didn’t know anything about it”. Everything gets complicated, arriving at a truth is really difficult

It seems to be fate, but it is also a fact. Whenever Denise Pipitone’s disappearance hits a courtroom, something always happens that muddies the papers and undoes assumptions that seemed pretty straightforward. This also happens in the trial which sees the ex-prosecutor Maria Angioni accused in Marsala.

Denise Pipitone missing, new twist (ANSA)

The former magistrate, who in 2005 had investigated the disappearance of Denise de Mazara del Vallo, is accused of false information to the prosecution. Years later, she pointed out misdirection in the investigation, but found herself in court suspected of having lied to her Marsala colleagues in several circumstances.

One of the obscure points is linked to the existence of a surveillance camera which could have intercepted the conversations of Jessica Pulizzi, half-sister of the missing child (they have the same father). According to Angioni, she was maliciously disabled by the police and during the trial, as witnesses for the defense, she deposed the former Carabinieri Marshal Francesco Lombardo who at the time was head of the judicial police.

Lombardo in 2021 worked as a consultant to lawyer Giacomo Frazzitta, Piera Maggio’s legal historian. And in April he sent a message to Angioni explaining that there was a second camera located via Pirandello, but that its use had not been extended.

A message ended up in the proceedings but during cross-examination, as reported by ‘La Repubblica’, Lombardo admitted he knew nothing about the second camera. This information would have been reported incorrectly to Angioni after reading certain articles of the Frazzitta study which he was however unable to indicate.

Denise Pipitone missing, new twist: a special birthday

On October 26, however, Denise Pipitone would have it, but according to the family who still hopes to see her again, she was actually 22 years old. He has transmitted eighteen to his relatives, since September 1, 2004, which forever changed the life of the family of origin.

But no one has forgotten it and the wishes have arrived on social networks to this little girl who has become a woman today: “18 years since your absence, without hugs or hugs. Denise you are in the hearts of those who truly love you. Happy birthday Denise, wherever you are Your family Papa Pietro & Mama Piera Kevin & Brigitte,” the post read. (Facebook)

However, all investigations are currently at a standstill, no prosecution is currently investigating and even the parliamentary commission on the issue failed before it was born. But Piera Maggio and her family are not giving up.

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