
Dangerous cookie brand on the market: which one is it?



In recent months, news has caused a stir that many batches of biscuits from a well-known Italian company have been withdrawn. These are cookies containing chocolate chips that are heavily advertised and also very popular with adults and children. The reason for the withdrawal is explicitly specified in the press release issued by the Ministry of Health: it is salmonella.

Salmonella is an extremely particular bacterium which is capable of causing serious food poisoning in the individual who absorbs contaminated food. From what emerges from the analyzes carried out, it is believed that the salmonella bacterium has affected the chocolate present in the biscuits and has therefore spread throughout the preparation. The collected lot had been delivered to a city in northern Italy and after a few weeks it was completely withdrawn.

The company announces that the factory that produced the batch in question is based in Israel. There have been so many reports that the ASL and therefore also the company have received. The most serious case concerns the discomfort of a child of about 5 years old who went to the emergency room immediately after eating cookies containing chocolate chips. The child was detained in the pediatric ward of the hospital for a few days, just long enough to carry out all the necessary tests.

It turned out that the child was an allergic subject and that the contamination of the biscuits had only aggravated the symptoms of the little patient. Various strains of salmonella have also been identified in Europe, specifically this is a vat of buttermilk from the Belgian factory in Arlon, in the state of Belgium. But what is really going on ? There are many foods that are unfortunately added daily to the list of salmonella contaminated foods. References to the competent health authorities have multiplied considerably, without distinguishing between products considered bad and products of a certain notoriety.

This has plunged consumers into deep unease, as they no longer know what they can safely buy. In these cases, it is the duty of the Ministry of Health to inform all consumers each time a contaminated food is added to the list, via an official press release. As always, the experts, to minimize the risk of going against these phenomena, advise us to read the label carefully, favoring products from Italian factories and containing few ingredients, mostly natural.

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