
Criticism | Hollywood Con Artists – Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones and Morgan Freeman HILÁRIOS in Trash Comedy



Hollywood is breathtaking Robert De Niro. Everyone who works with cinema dreams of going there and, who knows, being able to work in what is considered the cinema capital of the world. But the dream becomes the nightmare for many people who give up everything to invest in a career that sometimes ends up not doing so well there in California, even because of the large number of competing professionals looking for a place at the Sun. And when things go wrong, it’s time to appeal – or that’s what we can see in ‘Con artists in Hollywood‘, a new comedy hitting Brazilian theaters this week.

Max Barber (Robert De Niro) is a renowned film producer who is broke and owes money to the Mafia, controlled by boss Reggie Fontaine (Morgan Freeman). The truth is, Max never knew how to make money, so his nephew and producer Walter (Zach Braff) tries to convince him to sell his most valuable screenplay to young producer James Moore (Emile Hirsch). But when an actor dies while filming James’ movie and James earns a million dollar life insurance policy, Max has a brilliant idea: to produce his roughest screenplay, pick Duke Montana (Tommy Lee Jones) for the role and kill it. records, to keep the insurance money and pay off his debt to Reggie. There’s no way this idea could go wrong, is there?

Based on Harry Hurwitz’s 1982 film and dedicated to his memory, “Crooks in Hollywood” is a great simulated comedy that, while making people laugh, also pays homage to the cinema itself. Written and directed by George Gallo (who also wrote the action comedy ‘Bad Boys‘), starring Josh Posner, the film remains comedic for its one hour and forty-five minutes, though it sometimes wins a your most dramatic since, after all, he’s also criticized the way Hollywood rejects its elders and demands lifelong youth from its unreachable stars.

The great thing about the film is that it brings together three of the greatest actors of all time and puts them so at ease on stage that you really feel like they’re having fun with what they’re doing. More than that: it shows the versatility of the protagonists and the professional commitment that makes them – all over the age of 75 – remind the world, once again, why they are considered three of the greatest actors of all time. . It’s really nice to see them messing around on a set and talking about absurd lines, showing that the fun has no age or end.

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“Hollywood Scammers” is a delightful film that swings between simulated comedy and nonsense. Right to an even more absurd post-credit, the film is one of those pearls which arrive in a hurry in the cinema grid, but which deserves the attention of the most aficionado spectators not only because of the weight of the actors, but, above all, because it entertains and makes you laugh without making any effort.

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